Day 1

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February 11th 2010
Published: February 11th 2010
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Well I have survived the first day... just about.

I left for the airport this morning at 3.30am and everything went fine and according to plan but it was very emotional leaving. I cried my eyes out on take off once they had removed the snow and ice from the wings (eeeeekkkk!). But once we got going it was great and had a really good view over London before we got above the clouds. I had a whole row to myself on both planes and the change over went fine. Immigration was a bit scary but OK and found my taxi drive straight away. This was when the ride of terror started.

It took about 50 minutes in the cab (which had a massive crack all across the windscreen) during which time the driver looked at his notebook, looked at his phone and drank far too much red bull! There are no lines on the road and so at one point he weaved in and out of what appeared to be a six lane carriageway! No wonder all the cars have dents all over them. All this on a road with slush all over it!!!

We finally found the Hostel and was greeted by a mouthful of spray paint as the decorators were in this afternoon. Got to my dorm and met a few people who are on the same train tour which is nice. However, until they were moved there was a couple with a small child and a cat in our room... lovely!

I finally braved going outside and managed to change some dollars and buy two bottles of water... it was a scary challenge but I made it! It also made me feel better when I saw Russian people slipping around on the ice too.... everyone walks much more slowly than in London for good reason.

The painting has now stopped the cat and the child have moved so all in all I'm feeling a lot better! The people I have met so far are really nice and normal so all is good!

Hopefully will be able to send another update tomorrow after I have ventured out even further but as it is nearly 9pm here I think I am going for and early night.

Missing everyone lots x x x

PS. It was -11C today and it wasn't that bad


11th February 2010

Your Day 1
Sounds warm.... Glad you managed to navigate the first day ok. Makes me feel a whole load better now I can fill the gaps between text messages, reading about the crazy driver, the cat in your room and your first escapade out!! Sounds like all has pretty much gone as ideal as you could have hoped, good to hear all is well with meeting folk and all. I know the fun's just starting. I miss you loads already, love me x

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