The Ends of the Earth

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South America » Argentina » Chubut
March 21st 2006
Published: March 22nd 2006
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Despite many hours travelling by coach, watching endless chick flicks starring Jennifer Lopez and participating in "bus bingo", we have already seen the many wonders that Patagonia has to offer.

During our stay in Puerto Madryn we got the chance to be at one with nature and check out the local sealife. It was totally unexpected that we would be able to get so near to the animals in their natural habitat. Nathan even got the opportunity to perfect his David Attenborough impression.

Close encounters with killer whales, penguins, elephant seals and sea lions were just the tip of the iceberg as today we got to the see the grand daddy of all glaciers, Perito Moreno.

As with Iguassu Falls it is difficult to put the enormity and scale of the glacier into words or pictures - suffice to say that the face is 20 metres high, 800 metres wide and she moved 2 metres every day!! Another wondrous sight.

For the remainder of our stay in Patagonia we are booking ourselves into an estancia (a la City Slickers) to try our hands at horse-riding and sheep shearing as well as boarding a ferry to transport us through the many glaciers and fjords en route to Chile.

We hope everyone is well and on a special note, Happy Birthday Lor. Have a lovely day and we hope you like your presents.

Take care, missing you lots. Love Nate & Anna XX

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23rd March 2006

Whale of a time!
It's so great to be receiving your updates - I think the whales took a liking to the both of you - how brave of you to be so close to them! Elisa and Fabio loved the pictures and said how nice it would be to play with the whales!! I think not!! Love you guys and am missing you sooo much. Thanks again for my b'day pressies - I am so looking forward to it next week. Lots of love, your sis, Lo xxxxxx
23rd March 2006

Your living MY dream!!!
Hi guys, Your adventure sounds FANTASTIC!!! I can't believe you've seen "Orca" Killer whales. We went all the way to Canada and we missed them by a few days. Never mind, thanks to you I have now seen a photo of one in the wild and it's not on a postcard cos you saw it with your own eyes!!!! Take care and enjoy every moment. Can't wait till your next update. Conge XXX
25th March 2006

Hi Kids It looks fab, cold...but fab. But please no more puns. Love you both, take care. Dad and Val
27th March 2006

Facial Hair/Hasselhoff and scenery
Looks qual! Hope your having a great time. Can we see less Pictures of Nath and the Robinson Crusoe/David Hasselhoff (not Attenborough) look and more of Anna ;)

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