Seomun market...and other things

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February 2nd 2010
Published: February 2nd 2010
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Yet another week has passed and I'm finding it difficult to keep up with these blogs! I apologize I'm a few days late again this time. It has certainly been an interesting week that's included yet another trip downtown, several galbi (Korean bbq) meals, and culminated with what had to be the highlight of my weekend: a trip to Seomun market Sunday afternoon.

Its funny because despite the sheer size of Daegu, going out Friday and Saturday has already begun feeling extremely small and familiar. Downtown is a fairly large place with hundreds of little shops, cafe's, and restuarants, but there are only three or four bars where foreigners like to frequent. I suppose I could try and visit a Korean bar or nightclub, but I've heard strange things regarding these places, and the language barrier could pose a serious issue. Additionally, there are really only a handful of foreigners around. Although everything, and everyone, carry with them an expiration date, I've been downtown maybe four times and I see the same people at the same bars every time. As you can imagine, this may result in the creation of tight bonds and friendships which is awesome, but I can also see it getting a little old.

I really do love Korean food. I eat dinner at work almost every day. They have a preferred catering service that delivers food up to our staff room. I ate through this service almost every day last month and my food bill arrived yesterday with a very modest price tag of about 35$. Each meal ranges between 3-4 dollars. If you can eat local, you'll definately save money. I also found a hidden little gem at the convenience store called triangular Kimbap. This is literally just tightly packed rice wrapped in seaweed, but they cost 60 cents and save my life when I teach straight through from 430pm-9pm. Not to mention they taste awesome!

The highlight of my week was definately visiting a traditional korean market on Sunday with four of my coworkers. Seomun market is absolutely massive with everything you can think of from hand-carved chopsticks, to furniture, to live animals, to several brands of knock-off goods. I actually picked up a bamboo mat, a traditional low table, and four pillows for about 100 000 won. (95$) Now that the giant open space that was my living room is furnished, it looks much better, and I have somwhere to eat. Karissa, who is the new teacher at my branch, brought a camera on our trip to the market so I will attach pictures. Have a good week everyone!

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my new set up!!

2nd February 2010

They have any solid brewskis?

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