haven't gone anywhere yet

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January 29th 2010
Published: January 29th 2010
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this is my first try at a blog. i haven't gone anywhere yet but it won't be long! i've looked at other blogs and everyone seems to write very professional and informative articles on places they have been. i feel a bit intimidated. you are more likely to hear details of a hangover from me! anyway, it seemed liked the easiest way to keep in touch with people who are interested, worried or just nosy.

i selected my location as heathrow airport. don't worry, i haven't taken up camp at the airport in a bid to escape my last two weeks at work. but there were all these very specific drop down lists of locations, but once i had selected europe... london.. etc it didn't give me choice of uxbridge or even hillingdon, so i plumped for the airport. it's only a couple of miles away so it'll do for now.

i feel like i am limbo now... i am reasonably organised but still keep thinking i must have loads to do... most things on my list are ticked off... flights, insurance, a million (well, eleven) jabs... only a few items remain... learn hindi, work out budget.... ah well, not important things then.

well, maybe i will post up more progress reports before i go, just for practice.

so check back!


30th January 2010

Good Luck!
Good luck with all the preparations before you go!
11th February 2010

Hi Karen, wishing you all the best as you set of on your marvellous journey! I am sure you will have a wonderful time and look forward to hearing about all the beautiful (and weird) places you are visiting. I would rather read what comes from the heart rather than aprofessional and informative articles, I can buy a book if I want to know that stuff, so don't worry I am sure your blog will be great!! Big hugs, Jacqui xxxxx

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