a little bit of this..a lil bit of that

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January 26th 2010
Published: January 26th 2010
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I am defintely starting to feel a little more settled here in this new country. For the first time since I've been here, nothing out of the ordinary happened this week. There is something peaceful about that however as my psyche can only take so much novelty in such a short period of time. This week I really concentrated on getting into the swing of things more than anything else. Basically I traveled back and forth between my school and my apartment in an attempt to solidify some sort of routine. It's funny because for the year prior to Korea I detested routine; it was the last thing I ever wished upon myself. Now that I am here, everything is so completely different, I long for at least a bit of familiarity.

To be honest the week just flew by. Teaching itself is getting much better. Although it's a little bit stressful for me right now as I never really feel 100% prepared, the reward is awesome. Often I'll teach five classes, which to my coworkers, isn't that heavy of a workload, but that doesnt leave me much time to prepare. Thus sometimes I'm left to just 'wing it'. Depending on the class, the content isn't that difficult, but unless you're an english or greek major, explaining grammar and vocabulary to students brand new to English is probably much more tough than you might imagine. I am getting used to my classes. I have probably memorized half of my students Korean names, which is much harder than remembering the names of their north american counterparts. For instance in one class I have a, "Han seouk, Hoe Seouk, min Seouk, Ji huyn, and Jae hahn"...I think I'd rather bob, tom, and joe. It's awesome though. Some of the classes are a little more receptive to me, but overall they are all good students. I'm looking forward to really getting to know each student, and watching as they develop, as a result of my efforts.

At the end of the day, this is a great gig. I mean it's not perfect, but here's what I love. Firstly, I work seven hours a day, in the afternoon. I've always thought I could be a morning guy, getting up at 6, throwing on my suit, grabbing my coffee and reading the morning newspaper. I loved the idea of that guy. But I tried for an entire year, and NEVER got used to it. I think, at the end of the day, I'm just not a morning person. Secondly, and these are big parts that were lacking from my previous job. I am both learning something everyday, and I really feel like I'm doing something meaningful. I teach content from university lectures to these kids and test if they can comprehend it. I think my jeopardy skills are improving already. I talk about Haiti, and lying, and discuss moral lessons. It's awesome. It brings me confidence myself, and I am teaching them lessons they will be bring with them..hopefully forever.

I am sorry I haven't posted any pictures yet. They will come. My camera was sitting, waiting on the counter to be taken, and I forgot it. I will get one soon, and you will be able to put a visual to everything I've discussed so far.


26th January 2010

It's great to see that you're enjoying it so much. I'm sure eventually you'll feel completely at ease with the kids and winging it won't be so bad either!
26th January 2010

hey cutie. a/s/l ? ...lol
27th January 2010

Seems like you're really settling in over there. I like your comparisons to your old job. This definitely seems to suit you more. Teaching grammar is tough!! I don't know how to write or speak... it just comes to me! Tell us more about the fooooood!! Eating anything strange? How much does it cost? Hopefully some pictures too! Love, Stuart
29th January 2010

I will indeed tell you more about the food...I'm eating A LOT of korean food..its great actually. I just received a huge list of all the food translated to English, so I'll get on that soon time. I'll be taking pictures as soon as I get paid and buy a camera!

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