40,000 Leagues Under the Sea, or something like that!

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January 10th 2010
Published: January 10th 2010
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Hola to all....

A little late with this blog, but I wanted to make sure to share our experience on the live aboard scuba diving boat trip we took to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia about 6 weeks ago. In a word...amazing...and awesome...two words...sorry!

The boat is called the Spirit of Freedom and it was very accommodating. We arrived at the boat on day one, and met the ten crewmembers, and 16 other divers/passengers. The majority of the divers were from the US, with a few from Ireland and England and one from Australia. After the usual briefings on diving, the boat, safety, etc...we were off to the outer ribbon reefs to begin diving!
Basically, we did 11 dives in 3 days...it was a 3 night/4 day trip, and it was the Cod Hole trip. We explored different reefs, with each reef featuring different species of fish, turtle, shark, snake, etc...The basic daily itinerary...wake up early, eat breakfast, dive, eat 2nd breakfast, dive, eat lunch, dive, lay out on the upper deck, dive....shower, dinner, wine, sleep! and of course, hang out with everyone and just have a blast shooting the breeze.

This blog will mainly feature pictures,
cod holecod holecod hole

me and the big potato cod...a love story!
so please scroll through the different pages of photos and enjoy, and read the captions!

Oh, it's called the Cod Hole, because one of the dives featured us sitting in a circle on the ocean floor while one of the diving leaders fed giant Potato Cod Fish, who would then mug for the cameras and for us! It was quite a treat! Bottom line, I can't wait to go again!

Additional photos below
Photos: 28, Displayed: 23


Photo 26Photo 26
Photo 26

big ray!!!
Photo 25Photo 25
Photo 25

a yellow school of fish
king of the underworld!king of the underworld!
king of the underworld!

angry looking lionfish!
Photo 12Photo 12
Photo 12

it's going to be okay, I promise!

11th January 2010

Enjoyed the blog.

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