thanksgiving, mail from nueva zelandia, and christmas countdown

Published: November 30th 2009
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Okay, so here´s what´s been up.

Thanksgiving was awesome. Like, full spread of EV-VERY-THIIIIING and it was waaay too much to eat. And we woke up to homemade waffles and fresh strawberries and BACON frying.

How, you might ask, was this possible? Well, we were hosted by a husband wife (ex, actually) team of USAID workers. She is USAID Nica and he is USAID Iraq, but had a week of vacay. USAID is apparently made up of 50% Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV). But, the overall acceptance rate into USAID is all of 2%. However, worth looking into. Because that house was swank. And you move to a new post every 2 years.

This weekend, though, after returning... not gonna lie, I´ve been depressed. Actually, I was just really annoyed with everyone and everything and generally angry, and then I realized it was backlash from being at the All Volunteer Conference for 3 days and then that awesome Thanksgiving... Got back and was like, well, I GUESS I could wash my clothes...

After a couple of days, though, I am calming down and getting back into the swing of things. I just wooonder how it´ll be when I get back after Christmas....

MAIL SHOUTOUTS!!!! A lovely box from one sfriday of New Zealand! Sent Oct 2nd, picked up Nov 31, so less than 2 months! I have yet to open it, but from what it says on the customs form, I´m gonna like it!

Okay, about all I´ve got for the moment. So today, Monday.... marks 3 weeks until we flyyyy!!! This week of graduations and two more weeks of packing and making my room as dustproof as possible and eating all extra food and then we flyyyyyyyy home for like 17 days!!!!

x´s and o´s from the mopo


1st December 2009

Yes, we, too, are COUNTING.....
We, too, are absolutely, whole-heartedly, 100% counting the days!! Molly, we just can hardly wait to see you and to meet Lenin. I'm so excited!!!!!!!! Hope we're everything that you've built us up to be!! This will be SOOOOO fun! You know, they say "absence makes the heart grow fonder...."; well, IT IS TRUE!! Hope you'll not be disappointed with your whole "home adventure". I'm just expecting that Lenin thinks everything up 'here' is perfect. Well, we're tryin'!!! Love you!
2nd December 2009

I'm so excited for you! I wish I could see you guys!

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