Brisbane family

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October 28th 2009
Published: October 28th 2009
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After leaving prawn king city we set sail for Brisbane. We got there prettly early and had to fill the time in with some free McDonalds Wi fi (this is somewhat of a regular occurence which needs to stop) and a walk to the river. On returning from our walk we found a friendly Barton there to greet us and before long Juliette was also home.

Three of us had some slow afternoon beers and a catch up whilst Bart went to see a friend then we hit Brisbane for some jäger bombs and air guitar.

I'm not sure if it's just because it's Rachels family but despite being the first i'd met them i took and instant liking to Bart and Juliette and it felt like we'd been friends for years.

We had an awesome night out which also included a fairly unbelievable story. In Canberra auntie Mel had told a story about randomly meeting her ex boyfriend who was now married to ian's ex girlfriend. Both from England yet the four of them find each other whilst on holiday in Australia. Whilst Bart and I were having a drunken chat, he told a similar story about being in the remote Jacksons Hole where he would have bet a thousand dollars that he would not know anyone and Meets some friends from schol. I accepted both of these stories and despite being told by a number of people that we were bound to meet someone we know whilst away I admitted to Bart that I too would comfortably wager a thousand dollars on not meeting anyone we know on our trip. Bart then goes for a wee and gets chatting to a guy at the bar who happens to be English. Seeing the coinsidence Bart shares that he's with some friends from England and name drops Rusthall. This guy knows Rusthall. Bart comes back to get me to introduce me.

'Are you from Rusthall?' the guy asks
'not exactly, are you Tom Wright?' I asked to which he replies
'Ross! I thought it was you!'

Absolutely frickin ridunculous!!! Turns out I used to work with the guy at Brooks and Bentley.

The next day Juliette and Bart had some friends round for a most tasty breakfast and I received a free knee consultation from my knew best freind Charlie who has been studying physiotherapy. Funnily enough this free consultation was more thorough and more useful than any I gave received from the NHS or paid for.

The rest of the day was devoted to the hangovers from which we were all still suffering. We watched movies, ate crisps and felt sorry for ourselves. We also played a game of Articulate but my head refused to get clever and it was kind of a long game.

The following day we went to Wet'n'Wild so that Rachel could get her waterpark fix and it was a wicked day only saddened by the fact that we were leaving tomorrow.

We were both on a bit of a downer about leaving and both a bit snappy when trying to navigate our way out of Brisbane's stupid stupid roads. The day was all set to be a bit of a somber one until I pass a sign pointing to Australia Zoo. What better to pick us up than the spirit of the king himself Mr Steve Irwin!

The zoo was better than I had thought it would be. Since steve died it seems to have taken on a second personality. It is still an awesome Zoo where we fed roo's, saw some wombats and watched the croc show but now it's also this sad reminder of this cool who passed away and left his Family behind. Still, swim with stingrays.......

After the zoo we located our next home in Terwantimg, got some supplies and I watched Tv after Rachel fell asleep at 8 O'clock.

The day which followed was a good one. We were up reasonably early and planned out our last few days in Oz, hit the beach at Noosa for some R and R then took a walk through the forest.

After this we left Noosa to find our next home in Hervey Bay. All was well until some complete dick in a truck tried to kill us. I really had no idea what was going on until I heard the horn and saw a truck riding on our back step but it was pretty clear that whoever was driving didn't get hugged enough as a child.  Luckily Rachel saw the opportunity to pull over and let wanker pass to endure the rest of his miserable life.

That evening we had some beers in Hervey bay and watched a guy get a severe telling off from his wife. This morning we headed for Bundaberg.

This blog was brought to you using McDonalds Wi fi facilities.


31st October 2009

bundaberg rum
Dont let Ross near the Bundaberg

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