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March 3rd 2006
Published: March 4th 2006
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Hey all!

Well, this is my first official entry in my first ever travel blog. Emily got me all set up. I guess it'll be easier than writing the emails, 'cause you can just look up my entries whenever you're curious about my trip!!!!!

We are now in Bangkok, and loving it! We arrived on Kao sarn Road (where all the backpackers stay), and got a pretty cheap hostel right away. Its kinda nice, but we're not allowed to litter in the toilets (whatever that means haha). We're staying safe and sticking together. We actually lost Jeff and Jason today, but they signed in on msn at some cafe, while we were on msn too, so I guess we've found eachother. Thank goodness for internet!!!

This morning for breakfast we had the american breakfast, which consisted of sliced bananas, pineapple, and watermelon, and toast. It was pretty good. Jason and Emily got the omlette and sausages (which were actually cut up fried hot dogs). Haha YUMMY!

Tomorrow night we're heading to Ko Suomi, which is an island right near two others in Thailand. It will be a 12 hour train ride, but there are beds, so atleast we will be saving what, like $3 on a hostel for that night. Im actually really excited to go somewhere where its hot and you can see the sun at the same time. (Its really smoggy here in Bangkok).

Well, Emily and I are pretty hungry, so we're thinking we might head back to meet up with Jeff and Jason and grab some pad thai on the streets of Bangkok!

Hope all is well at home. Try to stay warm! (heard about all the snow)!!

Love Marie 😊


3rd March 2006

Miss you,

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