Buy Me a Hamburger?

South America
March 2nd 2006
Published: March 2nd 2006
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I left Salta, monday night for Cordoba. I used to live in a city called Cordoba, but it turns out that it´s different.

Cordoba, Argentina is a great place, one million people, lots of students and lots of things to do.

I hung out with spaniards, and we went to a bar. When we left we had the best post-drunk food I´ve had in a while: sausages cooked on the street... delicious, (I just don´t understand how they can get the pavement that hot.)

I left Cordoba yesterday for Buenos Aires. It took like 12 hours, so I got in around 2:30 am. Found a hostal, ate a hamburger, and went to sleep.

This morning I found a better hostal (in hopes of finding a better hamburger.) My major goal for today is to get in contact with Ben Chinn´s parents. They are staying in Buenos Aires, and word has it they want to take me out for meal.

In the mean time, I walked around the what appears to be the Musical Instrument/Honey distric of Buenos Aires. I dunno there were a lot of stores selling Guitars and Drum Machines next to stores selling Honey. Weird.

I went to a Chinese Buffet. It wasn´t just Chinese, they had steak, but I think that is required if you are going to own a restaurant in Argentina.

Now for Wisdom: ¨The biggest fear for a Buffet owner, isn´t the man who eats a lot, it´s the man who says he isn´t hungry.¨

I´m going to a place that starts with a ¨Gual...¨I can´t remember what its called, but I´ll be there tommrow for Carnaval.

Paz Afuera.


3rd March 2006

would it be correct of me to assume your comming home with new instruments? well whatever i miss u and love you talk to u later hope all is well and miss u lots. love your sister ally

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