¨oh screw other people. do what makes you happy. it's your life.¨ -mhoyt

Published: September 28th 2009
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For those of you who are out of the loop (which means everyone but family), I have been reevaluating my service and wondering if it´s worth it to stay for the 2nd year.

But then I thought, well, does it really matter if I go back to the States right now? Not really. There aren´t any jobs. And no one said the Peace Corps was gonna be easy. And if I stay I will have one more year to speak the ´Spañol every day and save money without student loans hanging over my head and I´ll get to help with the coffee harvest - which ACTUALLY interests me, and get married properly and maybe like build some stoves or something.

So it is still a pro vs con thing in my head.

But, tomorrow is my birthday, and I´m more focused on what I´m gonna cook. I have packets of alfredo pasta and mac and cheese type pasta (thank you sfriday!), so I´m making pasta for the family. And Lenin is going to buy meat for grilled... meat. And I´m gonna boil some potatoes and cover them in cream and onion salt. And buy a 3 liter of Pepsi. If cheesy pasta and grilled meat and potatoes and pop isn´t about as American as you can get, I don´t know what is. Oh, and since my aunt´s stove´s gas ran out, there will be no cake. However, I will make pancakes for dessert, which should be suitably cakey and sweet.

So.... yeah, tomorrow I´ll be 27. Not really sure where 25 and 26 went. Makes service seem a lot longer when I think that I´ll have 3 birthdays here. Turned 26 during training, 27 tomorrow, and 28 a few months before the end.

The interweb place that I like has taken the pop cooler out. That sucks. The orange Fanta during my internet ramblings was one of my weekly indulgences.

And on that note, signing off to go buy ordinary things like toilet paper and rice and oil and coffee and potatoes.

Oh! And I have an envelope from Liz and two from my mom! Will open them at home, though. I love mail.


Just chatted with mhoyt for a hot second on gchat. Her quote is the title of this blog. I also just got an email from another PCV. During our first days of training when we were still in Washington DC and were getting ready to fly to Nicaragua, one of the things we had to do was write words of encouragement, and then trade them. Stupid ¨get to know you¨stuff. However, one volunteer kept them and just sent them to us, and well, crackity as some of them are, they are words that I needed to hear right now. Posted below...

Our Words Of Encouragement

1. Whatever it may be, I only expect it to be an adventure. I only expect to be completely thrilled and frustrated and to return forever changed.
2. Go forth and remember that Life is an adventure!
3. Presence
4. It will all work out in the end. Don’t give up. Your family and friends love and support you. You will be great!!
5. Two years is a short time in the grand scope of the res of your life.
6. Live to win.
7. Be strong, Be confident, Don’t worry- there is more time than life. Enjoy!
8. The strongest oak was just a nut that held it’s ground.
9. You will never fail you will just come closer to succeeding.
10. When you want to give up, look inside yourself and find a piece of you that brought you here to begin with.
11. Carpe Diem
12. Be able to laugh at yourself.
13. The biggest error you could make is to believe you are alone.
14. Be confident and excited as you leap into the unknown.
15. Build relationships.
16. Wear sunblock
17. During the last 2 days a new bud on the Peace Corps family sprouted and we’re it!!!
18. Sometimes change can seem painful and frustrating, but persevere and it will be well worth it in the end results.
19. Smile, laugh and enjoy this amazing experience.
20. Since you applied to Peace Corps, everyone has told you what a great thing this is. Forget them and what others say, do this for you.
21. May you truly enjoy this next adventure with your whole heart. You’ve been working twards this for a long time- so be confident and strong. Know that you have many supporting you. LIVE. Viva La Vida.
22. Have faith in yourself and the plan God has in store for you!
23. Spanish is easier to learn than that one language in Africa with the clicking sounds.
24. Listen
25. it’s time for the adventure to begin! Let’s do it.
26. Although, I don’t know you well yet I’m excited to become friends and see the impact you will make.
27. Cherish the silence, embrace the liveliness.
28. Carpe Diem
29.There will be tough times and there will be amazing times, but remember that all the time you are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you should be doing.
30. Excited to get to know you and our group!
31. Here we go, we can do it! Buena Suerte!
32. Keep calm! Carry on!
33. You will be talking about this experience for the rest of your life. Make the most of it not everyone gets this wonderful opportunity.
34. Remember, even if you affect just one small life, it was worth the distance. You are lover, stay safe.
35. Thank you for your friendship. You’ll do great. I’m here if you need anything.
36. Be the Change!! Be the change you wish to see in the world.
37. Two years and three months of the best times of your life. Go to bed see you at 3am!
38. Live with compassion.
39. The pain is temporary but the Pride will last forever - Vince Lombardi
40. Keep an open mind, an open heart, and leave open every opportunity you have to gain as much as you can from the culture and especially Nicaragua’s people.


28th September 2009

GREAT blogginess, Molly!
Yes, those words of encouragement were timed perfectly for YOU, huh? Heed them. AND,....HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOLLY BETH BAADE!! WE LOVE YOU!! Why, it seems like it was only yesterday......................ha! Be sure and let us know how your big birthday meal was accepted, ok? "And 2 envelopes from Mom". HONEY!!!!!!!!!! Was there a particular COLOR in either??? Any $peccial color??? Like,...aqua,....or red? ENJOY YOUR SPECIAL DAY, HONEY!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
29th September 2009

Feliz Birthday. Hopefully everything goes well for you and your cooking turns out Yum-Ohhhhhh
29th September 2009

Dude, you might get to build a stove?! You should totally stay for that ;) Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be the right decision.
11th October 2009

WHAT FUN!! WHAT GREAT TIMING FOR ALL OF THIS INSPIRATION! I'm always so glad that you take the time to put this stuff down in writing. You'll have fun rereading it over the years!

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