From the Beach to the city to the Jungle

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March 2nd 2006
Published: March 3rd 2006
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Hey quick update. After Kho Pan Gnan I traveled with the train up to Bankok, The journey lasted +/- 12 hr. Must say, beside of the noise from the train, it's better then a bus, @ night you can sleep as they transform the seats into beds, there is a restaurant and the possibility to smoke:-) (something I want to quit when I'm down Under as 2 expensive over there)

Quit a big station which reminded me on the Antwerp station, trains couldn't go further and it's covered under a huge roof. After arrival I took a Tuk-Tuk to Kho pan Road. One road full off guest-houses and the spot were almost all backpackes are. While brushing my tooth I saw a Spanish man who I met together with 2 Irish, the first day that I was in Kho Pan Gnan. It is a small world here.... After breakfast with them I took off to make a city trip. Did a big walk, visited the National museum,covering the whole history from Rama I, II, III,....VIII..... 2 much 2 read for me...Beside the full history of Thailand there were big halls with all kind of stuff:old pots, guns and other old stuff..... After my "rush" through the museum I had a great Haghen Dasz is good:-) My opinion about Bankok is: I wanted to get out of it asap, 2 busy, loads of smog and after all I didn't come here for city-trips, for that you're better of in Europe. So once I've seen the grand Palace I booked a bus ticket to Chang Mai, a city in the northern part of Thailand. A spot for good hikings etc. A bus ride of 12 hr full off Isrealian people. A lot of Israelean people travel when they are 22-23Y old as apparently in Israle it is mandatory to 'waste' 3y of your live in the army, so before they go working or to university a lot of them go for a world-trip. (didn't meet them in Maleysia as they are not allowed to enter that country) Arrived @9AM in the guesthouse, slept 4hr and went to eat something. Also in this guesthouse I met a guy who I met before in Cameron Highlands. Together with 2 friends of him we went to eat something @ the local market and as a desert he bought some insects and worms..... I told him that I didn't need to prove myself doing those things, so I just tasted one fried worm.... it tasted not to bad, bit salty. But the other insects with legs and wings: no thank you. I flushjed the worm with a great fresh strawberry shake while I saw the other dudes eating insects....

The next day I had booked a 3 days trekking to the jungle...
We had a good group of people, beside Israel, the UK, Netherlands,Canada, and US were represented. This time I just could use a day-pack and not my big backpack like I had to do in Tamana Negara. This jungle is in fact not comparable with the one in Maleysia, this one is just like a big forrest in the mountains, beside that the hikes were easier as well. Anyway, stayed 2 nights in bambou-houses, took showers in waterfalls, played stupid but fun card-games toghter with Chang....the beer that provides a sensational headacke afterwards..... but there was nothing else so....
The 3th day we went on an elephant-ride, a rafting were we managed to get stuck @ altmost every rock we had to pass as our captain couln't speak English, had good fun though.
Anyway after lunch we went back to Chang Mai and went out with the whole group. Had good fun but now time to move on he.

So I decided that I will go back to Maleysia and try to rearange my flight to Perth. I know there is more to C here, but I'm not hungry to C more in this part of the world....I can't wait to go Down Under. I first need to check whether it is possible to change my flight from KL to perth from the 15th March to the 6 ior 7th. Shouldn't be a problem.

take care you all and next report will be from down under (unless I change my mind again of course:-))) )

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3rd March 2006

Promise, promise, promise..... ;)
Ciao Tim, exciting indeed, just......a bit disgusting thinking about you eating insects..... :-S Indeed is a proof of courage. you passed this proof and since the day I met you this is at least the 5th time you promise quit it's time to be strong and keep your promise! If you can eat insects, quit smoking will be as easy as drinking a glass of water!!! And, mainly, that would be the BEST SOUVENIR you could get out of this experience! KEEP IT UP!!!! :-)) A big hug, Anto
4th March 2006

Blijkbaar zie ik toch altijd iets anders in een foto. Nu dacht ik dat je met een stokje aan het oor van de olifant aan het kriebelen waart. En ik zeg nog tegen Choco: 'Alé, dat is nu echt weer Tim'. Enfin, elke update heb je totaal andere verhalen. Je haalt er het maximum uit, fantastisch!
5th March 2006

Allee, ik zie dat ge u goed amuseert. Die insecten das veilig, krijgt ge tenminste geen vogelgriep ;-) HF dude.

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