Oktoberfest, more fun hungover

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September 20th 2009
Published: September 20th 2009
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Jessica had her bags returned, so all is good. We trained to Munich the day before yesterday to go to Oktoberfest. It was amazing, people everywhere in lederhosen and German dresses. We decided to order a beer and went the waiter came he was holding the biggest "glasses" of beer I've ever seen. They were a liter! So we drank one, then went to another place and decided why not have another? Then we decided, why not have another? Unfortunate choices because the next morning I woke up with the worst hangover of my life. But, since it was the first day of Oktoberfest we had to go anyways. So we got up, tried to look as decent as possible, and rolled over to Oktoberfest.
Oktoberfest kind of reminded me of the Puyallup fair at first, but with public drinking (so it was waaay better). Jessica and I stumbled into this huge tent all decorated and just happened to see the annual tapping of the keg by the mayor of Munich. We found a place to sit and choked down one beer each. After that I felt great. What better cure for a hangover than another beer? We walked around for awhile before deciding we absolutely had to have lederhosen. There were a lot of girls in German dresses, but we only saw two or three girls in lederhosen. And all of them had questionable sexual preference (i.e. butch, very butch!). But we bought lederhosen anyways and now Jessica and I have matching German little boys shorts and suspenders. I plan on wearing them at least once a week when home.
After Oktoberfest we trained to Prague. Prague is beautiful, very old. The streets are narrow and the buildings are steep and imposing on either side. Then it opens up into the main square where there's an old castle. It looks like it's from a fairy tale. Today we're going to site-see and go to the Kafka museum.


20th September 2009

Good Job!
Yeah. . .an update to your blog. . .good job! So looks like I taught you well. .hair of the dog for a hangover. . .learned that in Vegas I think! Not sure what to think about the lederhosen. . .but when in Germany. . .well you get the idea I guess. I am sure there will be lots of pictures. So glad you are having a wonderful time! Almost makes me want to travel. . .will work on that passport! Love to you both!
20th September 2009

haha so proud/jealous. keep up the good work. the smith girls in lederhosen.... what a dream.
20th September 2009

Why not have another?
Too funny! Sounds like a lot of fun. Why not have another! But remember you want to remember Europe clearly not in a blurr. Just kidding. Glad Jessica got her luggage and things worked out for you to Sara. I like those outfits. I am sure I will enjoy this blog. Love, Dad
21st September 2009

So Proud
You make this family proud of you! Love the looks of you new outfit! And no I do not think you are butch! You are looking good! Thanks for keeping in touch. I think of you girls everyday. Be safe. Love you Aunt Bevie

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