Leaving Thailand

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September 10th 2009
Published: September 10th 2009
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I have just noticed that my last blog included the word 'Writted'. It's not my fault, it's a combination of foreign keyboards the magnificent Beer Chang.

The day before yesterday was day trip day. The trip was good but as Rachel has already mentioned we were surrounded by misfits, Thai misfits, Indian misfits and one super misfit who was from the Ukraine but lived in New York (I didn't like him!)

However the trip was really good, saw some more beutiful islands, we've now seen enough that they're becoming rather familliar, got some snorkelling done and made friends with some fish for a while. Also, being the weak swimmer that I am, I convinced Rachel that it would be a good idea to swim out to a tiny island as it was just a couple of feet away. The round trip took around 40-50 minutes (manly becaus I swim like a three legged dog) and we both had just the slightest bit of sunburn on our backs as a reward.

Looking back on it, yesterday was actually kind of funny. We new full well that our plane to Kuala Lumpur was leaving Krabi at 15:05, this allowed us to spend the morning in bed watching 'Speed' which no matter which way you look at it is a brilliant film. After finally dragging ourselves out of bed, we had five minutes on the computer so that Rachel could print out a copy of our flight ticket. The only problem being that the flight ticket revealed that 15:05 was in fact the arrival time and the departure was 12:50 which left us with about 50 minutes to take a 45 minute journey to the airport and board our plane. Needless to say this is not how the story ended.

Yesterday went down as a bit of a write off and we stayed at the hotel drinking beer and watching movies. I found it hard to understand why I didn't get bored doing that yesterday then I considered that this is time which would usually be spent working and by comparison, drinking beer and watching movies is actually one of the most amazing ways to pass time.

We're going to try to leave Thailand again today (the staff here think it's hilarious that we're still here but there laughter has not been much appreciated). There's not much of a plan for Malaysia, all we know is that we have a flight leaving from Singapore on 20/09 and that we have our first dorm booked for tonight which should be interesting.


11th September 2009

Morning sunshine
Soooo are you finally in Malaysia????? What id the matter with you 2, not a brain cell between you??? I obviously still love you both more than cheese (that's a lot).......Well I have the morning off so I am writting you a letter, can't think what to put in it though. I could tell you about Mummy n Daddy's 14 mile walk, yes it is longer this time, but I am sure you read about it in the Courier that mummy cut out and posted on a 6 page inter-web spread (you should be laughing now and not asking for the web address!!) I have been shopping again and brought a new handbag, it is very awesome. While I an away at Tim's mum's this weekend I will be taking my camera with me so I shall put my pics on facebook for you to see, it may take a while as I am not as techno (is that right?) as you crazy kids. Well it's time for my bath, mummy has just told me! Love you both, cant wait for my post card from Malaysia your big little sis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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