About Vicariousness

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August 17th 2009
Published: August 17th 2009
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So even though the art fair was a bust we got a lot of comments about how folks loved the fact that we are taking off for a year in Ruby G. Added to the comments from friends and family, there are a lot of people living vicariously through us. Pressure? Nah. It is fun and validating to have others see our adventure as a worthy endeavor. We believe in it. How nice to have others feel the same way. What is especially rewarding is having our teacher friends talk about the end of summer coming and the return of kids in the classroom. We remember that world vividly. While there is a pang of regret that I won't be returning this year, the pang doesn't last very long as the road stretches out ahead. We have another day to play around in Jackson before we head to the Trinity Alps in California and backpacking (w/pack goats), joining our good friends from our years of living in the Bay Area. So for all of you who are living a bit through us this year. Welcome aboard. There's plenty of room in Ruby G for your spirit.


17th August 2009

Congrats on the start of your journey, just wanted to say that Brian and I are both rather in awe of your van packing skills. Seriously--I want lessons!
18th August 2009

Wow! I wish I had your courage!
Hey you two - I know that in two weeks, I will be walking into my classroom again with a paycheck to keep my house intact, but I have huge pangs of jealously for what you are undertaking. I admire your gumption, your curiosity, and your ability to look potential defeat in the face and turn it into an opportunity most of us will never take. I will definitely be one who will be traveling vicariously with you. Keep me posted whenever you update your blog. Keep on trucking! All my best, Margaret
18th August 2009

wondering about wandering
Melisse and Dave, I'm so glad to know where you are - doing exactly what I imagined you would be doing. I hope your travels are full of adventures and good food, and I look forward to following your exploits from my perch in Raleigh. xxxxrobin
18th August 2009

What a Long, Strange Trip It Will Be...
Hi You Two, So fired up to share this adventure with you! Keep the notes coming!! Wishing you the best. All the best, Pedro
18th August 2009

Be safe and have fun!
THanks for letting me know what you are up to. I have thought about you lots and hope you understand where I am in this stage of my life...many grandkids and another due in December...don't think I don't care beacuse I do. Hope you are both doing well. Keep me posted on your travels...Love, Pam
18th August 2009

happy trails
Just sending along smiles! David and I look forward to hearing of your travels - I bet you both are awesome story-tellers. Hugs.
18th August 2009

Vicarious here we come!!!
So we are off ...this is pretty easy! I'm gonna love this trip with you guys. Are you gonna link with facebook? I know good things will fall in your path! And you'll fall in my path, too, looking forward...lots of travel love, Deb

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