Leaving Roma tomorrow :(

August 13th 2009
Published: August 13th 2009
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This will be a short blog because I am pretty mentally exhausted today.

Well, anyways we have had an amazing time in Rome, and I think it is my favorite place so far. Everything is so commanding and majestic here, but at the same time very humble, somehow. Maybe just because everyone here seems very nice, friendly, and helpful.

However, we did have a sort of a mishap today. We went to the Vatican today and saw the sights, which were crazy awesome. I cant even explain how crazy cool the basillica and St. Peters square are (however, I could possibly do without the Tomb of Popes, that was really weird, uncomfortable, and overly religious :P). Afterwards, however, we were trying to get some pizza at this famous pizza place behind Vatican City. But I decided maybe we should try to walk around the bottom side of the Vatican, where there were amazing views and some incredible walkways. But the map I had, I soon realized had no street names of the area. But we figured that we would just keep right and we would get there okay. And it seemed that the Vatican was right next to us because there was always this wall there. After what seemed like hours, we checked out a map, and realized we had been heading Southwest, instead of North! How that happened i dont know, but I did know that we were very seriously lost. We made our way back to a familiar place after a lot of frustration, we even went through a street with no sidewalks, running from side to side from spot to spot to avoid getting hit. It was pretty scary but we escaped with only a stubbed toe of Tiffany. But once we found a street we could recognize, we took the H Bus all the way back to Roma Termini Station, nearby where we were staying....Phew!

And we had ate absolutely nothing all day. So we got some reeeally good Pasta, tiffany got Spaghetti de Ragu, and I got Spaghetti alla carbonara...and they were sooooo good. 😊

We decided no going out for drinks tonight, however, because it was sort of a pricey spot, even though it was just a few paces away from our hostel.

Thats all for now. We leave at 5:50 am tomorrow for Ancona, to catch a train to Greece!!!, which is our final destination before we head back the way we came. Wish us luck 😊

p.s. We didnt get to see the inside of the Colloseum today (or Palatine, or Capotoline), because we got so lost...I guess we will have to come back some other time!!!! 😉


13th August 2009

glad you survived
Hi Myles and TT, glad you figured out how to get "un-lost." Have fun in Greece. Avanti! (Your great-grandmother used to say that. I think it means "onward" in Italian.
28th October 2009

Soooo....... you took a train to Greece?? Way to go, can u explain to me how u did that?? hehehe ;)

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