France continued

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Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Nice
August 10th 2009
Published: August 10th 2009
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Hello all,

Okay to write more about our experience in France. Where I left off, we had arrived in Paris after having a really great time in Souillac, near Toulouse, France. Anyways, after sleeping several hours, we got all ready and headed out into the city of Paris. Basically, we were tourists...we saw the Arc de Triomphe (sp), the Eiffel Tour, the Lourve, the Obelisque, etc etc etc...all these structures are huge and amazing, and i could talk about them for hours. But some other stuff I thought was interesting too: A Eastern-European looking beggar woman came up to us and asked if we could speak English, she passes us this card that basically has the worlds most depressing story about a husband dying, children starving, etc etc...and Tiffany thought she wanted us to read it, so she read this story out loud! It was extremeley difficult to leave the woman empty-handed, but we did. And theeen we find out, that it is a scam. All day long, all these destitute Eastern European looking, possibly Middle Eastern women ask tourists if they speak English and then hand them glad we didnt give....

We also went to a small carnival, kinda of like a state fair, but much more boisterous and it was right next to Lourve, which was interesting (on a tangent- The Lourve was unfortunately closed, but we entered something we thought was part of the Lourve but it was actually just a mall :P) and oh! we went to the Grand Palais as well, which was beautiful and also closed....but we took cool pictures with the lighting...i will hopefully get to post some pics later...

Which reminds me...Unless we somehow get a computer at some point with some way to put in an SD card, no pictures until we get back to Maastricht 😞

Paris is a huge city, and I'm sure in only one day we only got to see a fragment of it, and I would love to go back sometime this semester if possible...

Anyways, we had the hostel room to ourselves for both nights, which was really nice and peaceful and we left on Sunday morning for Nice, on the French Riviera...On the train, we sat across from guys who Tiff said were the Backstreet Boys, although I thought they looked like every other yahoo in Europe 😉...and then one guy left and a stinky hippie guy who kept drawing like hatches on graph paper sat by us....that was weird. We arrived in Nice in the afternoon, and we could not find our hostel...i think we walked back and forth past it like 5 times....when we did find it...we had to ring a call button, go up some creepy stairs, and check in at what seemed like someones living room...But then we entered the room...our own showers, comfortable beds, free towels, computer rental, and beach towel rentals :P...and the staff and our roomates were extremely friendly and helpful. btw, our roomates where Canadians....kanooks from Vancouver who were really nice and outgoing. However, when they first came in the girl yelled...I just got stung by a fucking jellyfish 😊...she liked to swear...but I guess I would be swearing too if a jellyfish stung me...

Anyways, we walked down to the beach in Nice, which is actually not known for its beaches, which have large round rocks upon the entire strech...but we thought it was cool how many ppl they could fit in that place! We also walked down the Rivieria street, which I think means the English in french, and checked out a casino, but couldnt figure out the slot machine and video poker 😞, but I got to illegally take a picture inside 😊...we also checked out the shops and listened to some really good street performers playing the Beatles. Tiffany really wanted to listen more, but I was pretty tired.

Anways, we came back to the hostel and slept in the next day, and hopped on a train to Eze, an ancient village about 20 minutes away....Its cobblestoned everywhere and the streets were even too narrow for horses, for example. There was also an amazing view, which could have been more amazing if we payed 5 extra euro, but we didnt feel like spending it...Also there were some graves at the top of the hill of random ppl, which was cool but kind of spooky. We headed back to Nice, and did some shopping (Tiffany) and took care of some logistics (Myles), and now we leave Nice at...get this...5 in the morning!!! The train I wanted to take was fully booked, and so we decided to take this one...but all these weird times for trains is paying off, because we get to pay really cheap fares with our Euro passes, this one was three dollars each, the overnight one from Soulliac was only 1,50 Euro each...

Well, I am losing Euros as we speak by typing so long at this internet cafe, so I will say goodbye for now, and we write more when we arrive in Rome tomorrow afternoon!



11th August 2009

Yo dude, hows europe??? when will you be back in maastricht? keep enjoying your visits to the countries!

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