Getting Ready to Go

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August 8th 2009
Published: August 8th 2009
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Perth - The starting point.

Eight days before I leave and just heard that my United flight from LA to Sydney has been upgraded. Not bad considering I bought an $800 Apex ticket. I guess it helps that I have flown 70,000 miles with United already this year.

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Warm up ride to Palm Springs with friend Rik. Riding through the San Bernardino National Park we had heat, cold, and locusts, but as yet no rain. That will come.

15th August 2009

As you set off, I shall be in the stands at the Oval, hopefully, but not likely-lily, watching England mullah the Aussies in the 5th Test. I have no reason to suspect this will be kinder on my elderly rear than your zillion mile bike ride as the seats at the Oval are notoriously hard. Anyhow, what kind of bike you doing it on? Have a nice time.
16th August 2009

Thanks mate. Hopefully I will get to see more cricket that usual - standing I suspect.
17th August 2009

Successful launch
Had a great lunch yesterday afternoon at the British pub "Shakespeare's" in San Diego while taking our intrepid motorcyclist Phil Bourne to the airport to launch his excellent adventure. A few goodbye tears from family and friends. While his wife appeared less than pleased about the whole thing, as one local Ukrainian grandmother put it, "She'll be fine as soon as she goes shopping." Ride safe, the credit card companies need you alive. (So do we.)

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