Colonia - Cheese, picnics & Golf Carts

Published: August 3rd 2009
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The boat over to UruguayThe boat over to UruguayThe boat over to Uruguay

Eating biscuits to pass the time
We arrived in Colonia in the evening. The boat docked and we all collected our bags, but realised you couldn't take certain foods in. We had a HUGE block of cheese which was about to be chucked by the non too happy looking Uruguayan customs! Not having that, so the 4 of us stood at customs and demolished a monster slab of cheese in about 40 seconds. Had the full on cheese sweats after that, but worth it!

We walked out of the harbour into the darkness to be greeted by no taxi's which is really odd! Plodded about for a while and found one, and told him the name of the hostel we'd booked. Of course there were 2 of them, and we went to the wrong one first. Finally checked in and couldn't be fussed cooking, so went out to eat. Found a recommended place called the Drugstore which was great. Really cool decor, and a vintage car outside which you can dine in, tho it was too cold for that. After several plates of tapas and a huge paella we were done, so early-ish night, as we only had the day after to explore Colonia, which proved ample.

It's a lovely place, Unesco World Heritage listed, and the cool thing is, you can hire buggies out to pootle round. A 4 seat golf buggy was promptly aquired, and we set off, fun on cobbled roads!

An hour and a half later we realised we'd pretty much seen everything on offer, so returned the buggy. It was quite a nice day, and a really nice place, so we went to the supermarket for a huge stack of cured ham, cheese, bread, strawberries and the like, and had a picnic in the main plaza, very sophisticated.

We were on the evening bus to Montevideo, so headed back to pack and made our way to the station...... an hour early, as someone earlier had said Uruguay was in a different time zone than's not, so we had a nice wait!

Additional photos below
Photos: 38, Displayed: 23


Private DiningPrivate Dining
Private Dining

Too cold for that tho
Me at the wheelMe at the wheel
Me at the wheel

Not for long, got told off!
Now now ladiesNow now ladies
Now now ladies

You can both sit next to me in the Golf Buggy....

Seen 3 films being made in Argentina & Uruguay so far

15th December 2009

Nice Tripª
Punta del Este it's known for the beautifulness of it´s great beaches also lots of stars go there to relax. You may even meet up with Shakira, lucky you. Tip, I made my reservation trough the following web, great rates. You should go there as well Cheers!

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