Mana Island, Fiji

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February 20th 2006
Published: February 20th 2006
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The seaThe seaThe sea

heres the sea and some trees, pretty much the scene which ever direction you look in
Hi Everybody. I just got to Auckland, but i thought Id write a bit about Fiji first, and finally stick some dam photos up there, actually no wait, I can put up pictures of the Cook Islands, but they are all pretty much the same thing, Palm trees/sand/alcohol.

Fiji was cool, nothing what so ever to do, sat on an island, amazingly I still managed to cut my foot open on some coral, I am seriously rethinking jumping out of a plane if I can get hurt so much on the ground!
There really was nothing to do on fiji tho, and everyone runs on Fiji time, which basically means late, so you spend a lot of time sitting around. Got a hell of a tan now tho.

Heres a couple of pictures from the Cook Islands... they might come out a bit shitty, dont know why.

Anyway, Ill put up something about Auckland, and what ever accident I have gotten into as soon as I can be bothered. Good night to all, and to all a good night.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Steph, Ste and HollySteph, Ste and Holly
Steph, Ste and Holly

These are the guys I was trevelling with for the first couple of weeks
Mana Island SunsetMana Island Sunset
Mana Island Sunset

Sunset on the first night on Mana Island in Fiji
Fire Dancing by a Drunk FijianFire Dancing by a Drunk Fijian
Fire Dancing by a Drunk Fijian

One night after a lot of Cava (local narcotic) and plenty of Fiji Bitter, one local decided to set fire to himself
Fijian Earth OvenFijian Earth Oven
Fijian Earth Oven

Theres a name for it but I forget, its really well cooked chickend, bread fruit, potato and other stuff, it was our valentines day meal, but it was bland as hell! They need to learn to earth oven themselves some flavour.

20th February 2006

More UK news
Matthew kept you updated on the UK news but he declined to tell you that MPs recently voted in the house of commons to outlaw taking drugs in pubs and clubs.

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