Heaven on earth...?

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July 2nd 2009
Published: July 3rd 2009
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The sunday market in Chaing Mai is really amazing; it doesn't really get going until 5pm but when it does it takes over a massive part of the old city. All the roads are closed and every bit of pavement and road is used by stalls and shoppers. To get around and see the whole thing will take hours, especially if you are buying things or stopping to look at items in stalls. We looked arond for 2 hours but since we weren't buying we left and went for dinner.

We found a nice bar after that didnt have too many women trying to get us in and sat outside at a quiet table for a few drinks. e aslo found nice bar called roof top which was very chilled and didn't have any women of the night sitting around.

We got some unfourtunate news the next day, we were hoping to get a visa for 30 days or an extension to the same effect but we were told that if you enter by land you only get a 15 day entry. There is not actually a visa but if you dont leave on time there is a heafty
the lower poolsthe lower poolsthe lower pools

as they came further down the cooled, so there was alwalys a good temprature
We tried to explain that we had flights out in 29 days and see if there was anything they could do but they told us we would have to do a border run!!
We were really not planning on this so its a pain, we haev to do a run to Burma either the day before ar the day after the full moon in Ko Pha Nang, what a pain!! So any travelers beware!!fly in to Thailand from where ever and get your 30day visa it will work out cheapr than doing a border run.

And on to Pai, north of Chaing Mai lies this small town in the mountains. Up until a few years ago there was no ATM and it has a really slow pace. Its not one for people who want to drink smoke or party but has really good food some nice shops, especially for tie dye and hand made leather. There are lots of tattoo shops and art shops and although they say they will be open at 10am, no one ever arrives till at least 1pm. There is no rush in Pai, the people are alwalys happy to see you and smile and say hello in the streets. All in all its a great place to visit and a nicer place to live. We saw lots of live music and althought we were sometimes the only ones there it was still a pleasure.
The first day we got there from Chaing Mai we started walking around town and immediatly our pace slowed down to match the mood and we all felt very relaxed.

There are a few local attrcations too, waterfalls and hot springs which are great to see. We really enjoyed the hot springs which are 80*C at the source and then cooled over rock water falls to a temprature that we can sit in. They are like baths that never get cold and with a few cold beers, water and a picnic you could stay all day.

There are two bars across the river where there are no houses that stay open after 12, so we went out there on our last night and had a bit of a party. We had met a few people and decided we should have some fun. It probably wasnt a good idea considerign we had a 3 hours twisty road to Chaing Mai in the morning and then a 12 hour bus to Bangkok!! I have never been car sick before but that morning I really felt close...

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if only we had thought of it earlierif only we had thought of it earlier
if only we had thought of it earlier

when we got there we thought of it but it was too late. Looks like were not the only ones
the water at 80*Cthe water at 80*C
the water at 80*C

they did have a no swiming sign too...
the live musicthe live music
the live music

not a great pic but hey... sang som will do that

15th July 2009

please show me
please show me pingpong show

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