Today I Leave for Italy

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February 13th 2006
Published: February 13th 2006
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Our plane leaves in 5 hours. I am so excited and so nervous at the same time. Its always wierd traveling to the unknown but thats whats exciting about it as well. David seems a little on edge this morning I guess I should have let him sleep in a little longer but hopefully by the time we get on the plane all will be well again. I cant believe I have a 9 hour flight ahead of me to Zurich Switzerland followed by a 9 hour train ride to Rome. I cant wait to see Switzerland and the georgeous glaciers and mountains. Its a winter wonerderland over there right now and a brisk 37 F degrees. Nothing I cant handle. Well I am about to shut my computer down so it can sleep for the next 10 days. God Speed and happy travels.


14th February 2006

You better post a pic of the koo-koo clock, so I can ready myself for its arrival. How the hell do you spell that?
15th February 2006

Safe Travels
Just wanted to wish you and david a safe trip. Have a great time and please be careful.

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