A better day :D

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Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest
June 1st 2009
Published: June 1st 2009
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This morning I rose from my slumber knowing (well, hoping) that today was going to be better. The sun was still hiding and the rain still drizzling, but you have to make the most of what you've got. I left at 10am, jumped on the tram and got off at the train station. First problem I couldn't buy a ticket for the train as the machine wouldn't take notes for some reason. I wandered around trying to find somewhere I could break a not, I ended up at Burger King 😞 I went to the station got my ticket and headed toward Heroes Square as there was a festival of sorts on.
When I arrived there was like a billion people there (not literally, that would be silly to think that), I wrestled through the crowd to see some ponies race around a dirt track...woo hoo! I only watched 1 race then left. I walked around the park there was heaps to look at as with the festival there were heaps of food stalls, rides, and just things to look at. I tried some sort of sweet Hungarian pastry, it was ok, I think it would have been better if it
Short walkShort walkShort walk

I was walking up a giant hill and snapped a shot of some random part of the city.
was fresh but this one tasted stale and old 😞.
I then tried to look for a shop that was open that would sell a power adapter from Aus plug to European, I didn't have any luck so in my pissed off state I returned to the hostel. The plan was to ask the hostel people where I could buy one and then head back out. I walked in only to hear one of my favorite bands playing NINE INCH NAILS! I had a chat to her about that and then asked if she knew where I could buy one, she said it would be hard as today was a holiday (that's why pretty much all the shops were closed), she then said she had one I could borrow. OMG so lucky! She then offered me a shot off some Apricot spirit, then we sat outside and drank beer (I had four beers!! I know everyone at home would be so so proud!). We sat outside spoke crap, she pointed me in the direction of a nice restaurant that I then visited, I then decided I should ask her name, it's Miriam
I went and had a nice dinner, when

I found it funny that cocks are still drawn the same on walls, the world over!
I returned Miriam had finished her shift, we spoke some more and now she's taking me to a Hungarian night club on Wednesday, it shall be grand. So yes this day is a HUGE turn around to yesterday, tomorrow I’m going to do a walking tour which I look really forward to, and I can't wait to ring home and talk to everyone that I miss sooooooo much.

Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


Nose picking?Nose picking?
Nose picking?

Is he picking his nose!?

In the centre of heroes square.

Horses marching around before they race.
The raceThe race
The race

So much mud!!!

I've learnt how to out-stretch my arm and take photos of myself!! I'm in this metal pillar maze thing?
Hungry in HungaryHungry in Hungary
Hungry in Hungary

God i'm witty!!

2nd June 2009

Im so glad you had a better day and are starting to meet people, you should have a great time in Hungary. xoxoxox
2nd June 2009

Hey Josh. I love reading ur blogg. It takes me back to my youth. Yes I can remember it lol.
2nd June 2009

haha i see you havent forgotten the obligatory "hungry" joke while in hungary im pretty sure i made one to the guys when we found out you were going there so i have your back man:P
8th June 2009

Hey Josh, Soooo glad you're having fun and meeting random chicks that like Nine Inch Nails... so very proud. lol I must agree with Aunty Sue i love reading your blog, its really sweet. Laters xoxoxoxo

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