My Son Proposition

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Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An
February 10th 2006
Published: February 10th 2006
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Gday Everyone...Paul here

Today was an interesting day. We hired a local fella to drive us to My Son which is about 45 kms from Hoi An. Its a historical site of the Champa people, who built numerous stone structures/buildings there. Very soothing place to sit and relax. Unfortunately I was unable to totally relax as A gent from Hanoi propositioned me inside one of the more hidden locations - much to my surprise. He was rather keen and forceful and actually grabbed my hand tightly and wouldn't let it go......unfortunately i had to send him flying across the room to get him away and he learnt a number of new Aussie expletives. Most bizarre!! The bugger grabbed my goolies just before this!! Normally I might be amused and flattered.....but to grab at the jewels????!!! Not on..................
Anyway I was surprisingly chilled about the incident and the bloke disappeared quickly. AHHH Vietnam, land of opportunities. My Son will always hold strange memories for me.
I will give my Peter Allen shirts a rest for a while.
Kate and i spent our last night in town down by the riverfront eating outside at a local spot which specialises in steamed fish in banana leaves.mmmmmmmmmmm
Chatted the night away with a couple from London. Very amusing people as long as you can manage to ignore his minor generalisation that "all Africans are lazy and don't want to work".
Kate sorted him out!!


12th February 2006

The Truth
Sure it was the Peter Allan Shirt Paul? Maybe he knows something we don't!!!! Good to hear that Kate is sorting out the "red necks". Have fun and take care. XX

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