Now in Hungary :)

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May 31st 2009
Published: May 31st 2009
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Ill start with Saturday, i went to the park a few times as it was a beautiful day. I then did all my washing, and planned some more of my journey (stuff is now booked up until the beginning of August :D). OF the night i just hung out with everybody and said my goodbyes.
I got up at 530 in the AM! Walked to the station at 6. Caught the train to Luton airport, i slept on the plain :D When i got to Hungary i didn't really know where to go or what to do. I asked the info desk and they pointed me in the right direction. On the bus i wasn't 100% sure which stop i had to get off so i kept looking around, this elderly guy could see this and he said "This is the last stop you will have to get off, are you catching the train?" Now i was almost hesitant, as you all know middle aged - elderly foreign men are attracted to my loins. I showed him the station i needed to go to, and he showed me to the ticket machine which only took coins and i only had notes 😞 He bought my ticket for me and i would pay him back when we get off at the station. Once we got to the correct station he wandered around to see if any shops could change my money so i could pay him. There weren't so he "Not to worry about it", i couldn't do that, this guy had just helped me. But he insisted, and said he was happy to help. What a nice guy!!! Budapest didn't look to welcoming as it is wet. The man said it's the first day of rain they have had in a while. Pfft of course it's wet the day i arrive.
I jumped on the tram and got off near the hostel. The hostel is small, there isn't many people at all and there isn't a common area to meet people. So i think while I'm here at this hostel i might be a loner of sorts, that's OK i guess. Oh, i nearly forgot! I have been writing to people on a website called, it's a place where you can well as the website suggests surf on peoples couches. I have had so many replies of NO, but finally a pair of house mates have said i can stay with them over the weekend in Budapest, i'm really looking forward to meeting some locals and being show around it should be fun.
I can't even use my own laptop at the moment as i don't have a Europe power adapter, i will buy one tomorrow. I guess tonight i will have to read books :O
Thanks for tuning in and read mainly about me bitching and complaining, I'll make the next entry a bit more interesting.
Tune in next time... :D


1st June 2009

yeh with that whole couch hopping thing just make sure you dont get yourself involved in a swingers club or something.. ive heard some dooseys.. unless of course that's the actual aim and if so - good for you!
1st June 2009

I can't believe you are in Hungary, I have never been there so I look forward to seeing some pictures. At least you have had some better luck with middle aged men :) Its nice when the locals help you out. Some of the guys i was with in Sweden were part of the Couch Surfing web site, it worked well for them, Cheap way to get around and get shown around by locals. I hope you have a great time there, Im sure you will find some people to hang out with, or you can do some self reflection :) Have fun xoxoxox

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