Pleiku - Mind Blowing

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Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An
February 7th 2006
Published: February 7th 2006
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Hi Everyone

So much to say. So overwhelmed. We arrived in Hoi An today, having spent the last three days in Pleiku up in the central highlands. I dont know where to begin in describing our experience there. Some of you may know we went there to visit the family we have been writing to for the last 14 years. They live in a small rural village outside Pleiku. We arrived there on Sunday from Saigon and were taken straight to lunch. The husband of the famly speaks a little english so we were able to communicate but took alot for us to understand each other. Life there is so hard for them that you come away feeling so blessed for your life - then again their sense of community is something to behold. We stayed at there house for the first night and I have no words to describe our experience. The had a party for us and we were the centre of attention all night. All of their friends and family in the village turned up to meet us. Very overwhelming to have so many people staring at you - we were a real novelty as first foreigners to visit! They put on a huge spread for us - very traditional Vietnamese - again very overwhelming. I was so worried about offending them but had to refuse the pigs head for breakfast! We slept there that night and was very weird having pigs and chickens metres from your room. Very rural setting. I can't describe the hospitality of the people there - truly amazing. They have little in the way of material things and yet wanted to share everything they had with us. They would not let us pay for a thing while we were there. Yesterday they took us to visit a friend/relation in the city - we pull up into his driveway - looks like a palace - freaked us right out. The inside was surreal - like a palace. It turns out this guy is good friends with the President's general - he provided us with free flight to Danang and a chauffer driven car the wole time we were there. Talk about extremes. His son spoke english and was very helpful in translating for us. This morning we went to the market in the city - was again a very surreal experience. I don't think they get to see westerners very often- everyone just stopped and stared and walked up and stared at you - or touched you - we were the novelty for the morning. It was very sad leaving the famly - they were very upset to see us go and there were a few tears at the airport. Overall it was very emotionally draining and we are having a chilled out night in Hoi An to relax and take stock of our experiences. I chose a hotel out of the guide book for Hoi An - is only $20 a night - like a resort - very beautiful. We have had a short walk around the city this afternoon - tailor city like they say - Paul may never leave as he may be getting clothes made for ever! Anyway take care and love to you all - am feeling a bit homesick today - will get through it!


9th February 2006

Hi Guys I got no idea if this comments thing works.... but wanted to let you know that your entry for Pleiku gave me goosebumps!!!!! xx
9th February 2006

Thanks for leading the way Jodie....wasn't sure if I could use this commenty thingo, or how to. Yes....totally agree. Sounds like a totally different world. Hope you guys are well...take care. XX

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