Day Before

Published: May 10th 2009
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Hello everybody,
For those of you that did not know, I'm embarking on a journey across the United States. I do not have nearly enough money to be going on an adventure like this, but I don't start work until June 1st and I couldn't get tickets for Bruce in NJ (haha), so I'm going. I'm never the type of person to take risks or anything of this nature, though I'd like to claim I am, but I'm going anyway. I'll be leaving for Chicago bright and early tomorrow morning. There will be camping on this trip, which should be interesting considering last time I was camping in a tent I slept for about an hour. I'm starting to pack up my things now. I'll be gone from tomorrow, May 11th, until May 29th. Then, on May 30th, I'm going to figure out a way to get myself to Boston because I have tickets to see DMB at Fenway Park. I have AAA. I'm nervous and trying not to think of all of the things that will most likely go wrong. This is the only time in my life I'll ever be able to do something like this, so I'm giving it a shot. Then it's Celgene (I hope) for the rest of the summer. I might even consider another job somewhere to make up for the money that I'll be spending in the next 2 and a half weeks. I'm excited to see the Dodgers play on the 19th. I'm also excited to see the Grand Canyon. I'm hoping nothing catastrophic happens. I wasn't nervous about this until this morning. I'll have plenty of pictures up and everything like that. Later.


11th May 2009

HAVE FUN!!! :) just think for those times when things are ehh, in the time you are traveling and seeing everything Jill will be taking anatomy and I will be taking math. yuck.

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