Coast Run to Antofagasta

Published: April 9th 2009
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KLR Piggy BackKLR Piggy BackKLR Piggy Back

With a big hole in the sump and no oil...
Blog from Iquique - Antofagasta- Chile
After a two night stopover in Arequipa the boys were ready to ride again, even with David on his washed and polished KLR. We left the hotel and headed out of town, rather later latter than planned, for various reasons.
Geraldine rode with me out of Arequipa on the way to Tacna, which is the largest Puruvian City before we enter Chile.
The Campbell boys, needed more speed than the two up KLR could reach, so they went on ahead to enjoy the sealed highway...well that was the last we saw of them for a few hours. We assumed thay would be at the border when we arrived, but not a sign of them ? So were they that far ahead of us that they got tired of waiting and emigrated to Chile ? I think not!
We all had lunch at the Kiwirider and Rocky Road approved Cafe and purchased our ‘Exit’ papers from the girl for 2 Soles, proceeded to fill them out and head to the Peru exit point.
After processing all the motos and the truck, we spot two headlights approaching.....sure enough it was the Campbell boys, they had been on

Hard at work...
one of their ‘Photographic’ excursions of about an extra 120 kms, along the Southern coast of Peru. So we start the process again, firstly by sending them back to the Cafe to get their papers, they thought we were kidding them..while we waited, they decided to have lunch there !! when we enter Chile, we lose an hour, so, instead of it being 4.00pm, it suddenly became 5.00pm !! Ah well we knew it was going to be a long day.
After clearing Peru customs and Immigration, we had to then tackle the Chile side of things, with the two KLR’s and no number plates, so with a bit of creative moto parking, and strategig placing of riders and a few jokes and jostling of the customs guy, showing him our ownership papers with the rego number on it, he was happy as all the numbers matched, and the ones he could see were all good, so he gave us all our stamps and we were in...It is only about 18kms to Arica from the border, so we were soon having a warm shower or a Beer, finishing off the day with A Rocky Road Diner at the Hotel...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

At Hotel Al Paso
moved onto a two night stopover at Iquique, not without incident, as David managed to hit a lone rock, that was in the middle of the Pan Pacific Highway, he must have missed a million rocks in Bolivia, but smacked this one with his now unguarded sump, creating a 60mm hole for all the oil to dump onto the road. Tiny was following and saw the mess!!. We were waiting down the road, as we knew something must have happened, sure enough, along comes the truck with the poor KLR on the back, with a very pissed looking David Broken Bones and Motor, slumped in the rear seat.
When we arrived at our hotel, out came the file, sandpaper and petrol to clean the affected area, then we applied a good layer of ‘Kneadit’. In the morning, we willed it with oil, took it for a run and not a drop of oil escaped..Game on again for David..
We all took advantage of the spare day and went to a huge Duty free Mall, I think everyone came away with at least a few treasures.
Today was a 417km run down the Chilean coast to Antofagasta.
Cheers for now, Rosco

At the Military Museum above the City

Another Blog from Gerardo...
Chivay- Arequipa.03-04-09. Estas 2 ciudades tiene dos rutas para comunicarlas entre si, el año pasado yo viaje con el grupo que no quería saber mas de ripio y caminos malos y deseaba un viaje agradable sobre cemento, ya que existe una ruta que bordea la montaña Chachani de 6075 mts y llega a Arequipa en 4 horas, pero esta la otra ruta que es el 216 Km. de ripio, arena, hoyos y todo lo que puede tener un muy mal camino, pero que hace el andar en moto mas interesante y desafiante y 110 Km. de un buen asfalto, en la primera ruta nos demoramos desde las 8.15 hasta las 13.30, sin detenciones mayores a 10 minutos, esto habla de lo que costaron estos Km., el resto asfaltado muy bueno pero con mucho trafico de camiones y buses. El día estaba caluroso, si que era agradable andar, a los 40 Km. de iniciado el viaje llegamos a un avistadero de cóndores en el valle de Colca, que es lo que vende este lugar, habían unos 15 minibuses y como 150 turistas, lleno de personas vendiendo recuerdos y alimentos, en un lugar precioso frente a una

Just having fun...
gran montaña, pero de cóndores en este lugar no vimos ninguno, previo a el unos 5 Km. divisamos unos 4, es increíble como venden el cóndor y nosotros en Magallanes, donde podemos avistar decenas en un mismo lugar e incluso observarlos en suelo, no hacemos nada. El paisaje fue de verde a un desierto árido que es hasta Alto Siguas, lo que si destaca un proyecto de riego por aspersión donde en pleno desierto se ve maíz, alfalfa y cualquier cosa que planten, realmente destaca, el agua la traen canalizada desde las montañas. El otro cambio espectacular especialmente para nuestros cuerpos fue el bajar de las alturas de Chivay, 3651 mts a arequipa que solo tiene 2325, a pesar que llevamos más de 1º días entre 5056 y 3500, no hemos logrado el acostumbramiento deseado tan rápido, tal vez son los años, pero a esta altura es como si estuviéramos a nivel del mar, situación que lograremos mañana al llegar a 0 en Arica, Chile. Una cosa novedosa digna de contar es la situación de los perros en Bolivia y Perú en las carreteras asfaltadas, estos viven en ella de la caridad de los conductores que transitan por esta, es
Lizard ?Lizard ?Lizard ?

We were the intruders
normal ver cada 5 Km. perros parecidos a nuestros perros ovejeros, con cara de tristeza, muy flacos, pero observando los vehículos que vienen, ya que estos paran y le dan cualquier cosa es así que uno ve bolsas de basura que son tiradas a estos, en la Ruta Puno- Cusco a lo menos cada 5 Km. hay un perro esperando y aparecen de improviso no sabiendo si se van a suicidar a la ruta o van a buscar comida, aunque se ven muchos perros atropellados igual, en general es muy difícil manejar en carreteras ya que requiere mucha atención del conductor ya que en cualquier momentos e atraviesa un animal o una persona que ni siquiera mira si viene alguien, otra cosa que asombra el potencial que existe para Copec por ejemplo con los servicentros, son my básicos solo combustible y con suerte suministran aire para los neumáticos, pero no venden ni siquiera aceite, uno sueña con los que hay en Chile donde puede pasa y tomar una bebida o café, comer y descansar, acá no son nada, lo mismo sucede en Bolivia. Aquí en Arequipa en el hotel Casa Andina, cadena que utilizamos en Perú, que son de una
A BIG RockA BIG RockA BIG Rock

Lucky David saw this one !!!
calidad de hotel muy buena y especialmente muy buen desayuno, permaneceremos dos noches, para poder descansar y ver nuestras motos, yo cambie mi neumático delantero que ya no quedaba nada y el trasero que puse nuevo en Viña, me va a alcanzar solo para volver, es increíble como se como el neumático. Si que hoy sábado ha sido un día tranquilo para todos, ya casi hemos terminado nuestros caminos de ripios y arenas, ya que ahora solo nos viene puro cemento o asfalto que es realmente aburrido, si no fuera por mi música que escucho es como para quedarse dormido, solo nos quedan como 100 Km. cuando atravesemos nuevamente al cordillera de los Andes en el Paso San Francisco desde Copiapó a Tinogasta , Argentina, el 10 de abril, chau……………

Tigger’s Blog Part 8

Having a day off in Arequipa our last night in Peru before we cross the border, I took the opportunity to hit the shops while the boys did boy things, like bike stuff, some took in the sights of the city, some caught up on some sleep and cleaned the truck. I found my winter hat but couldn’t decide on a t-shirt besides I

No problems for a tube of 'Kneadit'
rationalised to myself I had enough t-shirts any way and have lots of pictures of Machu Picchu and I was there!

Had a left over bun from Breakfast with Ham and Cheese for lunch and had some down time myself and awoke in the afternoon refreshed and caught up with some emails. The boys took a tour of the city in a mini van, and saw the sights of the city

With tar-sealed roads and lots of desert scenery it was a vast contrast again. With over 400km it was a big day. The vastness and the grandeur of the rocks and mountains were amazing. Just when you thought you were coming to the end of a mountain range another one would appear. We came across all these plots of land with stones marking the borders of the property, and I’m thinking who would want to live here. There was absolutely nothing there, but it was like a lot of places we have past, there isn’t a lot there anyway

We lost Ripper and Tiny as they had darted ahead and missed the turn and ended up in Ilo by the beach. They are sticking to their
Craftsman at workCraftsman at workCraftsman at work

David putting in the final touches
story that it was planned. It was only an extra 100km or so but with a border crossing for us as well it could have been a longer day for them if we had not still been at the border. We stopped at our lunch spot which also has the border crossing papers which we have to purchase. All a bit of conspiracy to get rid our last Peru coins if you ask me.

With a niggle of sore throat today I was making good use o my hat/scarf and had a lovely couple of glasses of Vino tento for medicinal purposes of course. Dad and I also went for a walk before the briefing as he wanted to take some pictures of some old fishing boats but we needed some elevation so we hailed a taxi and ended up at the army museum. What a great view of the city and if it had of been open on Mondays we would have taken the boys back there today.

A great hotel and the feel of park, like grounds and an awesome swimming pool and surrounds which I didn’t discover till we were packing up and I
Thunbs up Thunbs up Thunbs up

Job well done
had a wander around. Double planted bougainvillea shaped into trees in full flower looked awesome. I also acquired a bottle of Chile Cab Sav, the night before (obviously for more medicinal purposes) from the barman who obviously thought I was under the weather and might need it later.

With loosing an hour with coming back to Chile it was a nice leisurely start to the day and with still a throat niggle (not due to excess singing either I might add), the cold fresh fruit was soothing and refreshing.

We were on the road and eating up the dessert miles in no time. Everyone was taking photos of more dessert. With David stopped yet again we thought he was taking another photo or getting some nourishment. It turns out that he was passing a truck and didn’t see a rock that consequently ended up puncturing the oil sump. ¾ of and hour later we had reshuffled the truck contents, video was shot and evidence taken and we were on the road again. Investigations to the repairs will be looked at over the next couple of hours I guess. Not quite sure what the outcome will be. Hole is
Tropic of CapricornTropic of CapricornTropic of Capricorn

We cross the Tropic of Capricorn for the second time..
about two fingers wide. So much for the guard (I think it got lost on the Bolivia road David informs me). We come all this way with the Bolivia rocks and a rock gets his bike on the Pan Pacific Highway. Amazing.

Apparently Kneedit is the stuff to fix gapping big holes and left over night, oil was poured back in the bike and fingers crossed, test ride done it seems a thumbs up has been given and tomorrow will be another test.

With a duty free market available here I took full advantage and spent most of the day in the perfume shops. Sorry girls none of the blokes took me up on the offer for shopping consultant. But they could have snuck off on their own. You never know. I bought a couple perfumes myself, I couldn’t resist.

Dad was happy he bought another watch as his watch “got wet” and has succumbed. I call it his GI Joe watch, green and orange but has disco lights on it that do around the face every hour, it makes him happy. Gerardo and I have new mini touches so we are going to anoy the boys

Geraldine and the Chilean 'Hole in the Rock'
with them tonight and play spotlight..

I relaxed by the pool this avo with my book while I think most of the boys managed a cat nap. They have pelicans and seals here too just like in Tongoy. The waves are very close to the hotel and about 5 metres away so the waves are very loud at night when you are trying to sleep. The boys don’t seem to have that much trouble getting to sleep though....
Chao, Tigger

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13



Tiny, Murray and David.

10th April 2009

Loving your adventures. Loving the blog and photos. Loved your Happy Birthday song, ta!! What a great group you have there plus priceless Gerardo. Keep on enjoying and be safe. We having special times with your loved one back worries. Love from yer Mates, Rod and Tina.

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