Iguazu Falls

Published: March 17th 2009
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Months ago, when Steve and I were planning our trip around South America, Iguazu Falls was one of the first places on the list. I´m happy to say that it definitely doesn´t disappoint!

Iguazu Falls are situated on the border between Argentina and Brasil, consist of 275 individual falls and are four times the size of Niagra. As we were staying on the Argentinian side we decided to visit that side first. On arrival the first thing we saw was loads of butterflies everywhere of varying colours and sizes. After a short walk through the rainforest we began to hear the sound of water which grew increasily louder as we approached the first viewpoint and got our first glimpse of the falls. They are amazing! We spent the whole day on the various walking trails around the park seeing the different areas of the falls and looking at all the wildlife - including some funny little coatis (racoon-like animals) that are everywhere and like to hang around people and steál food.

The highlight of the day was getting a speedboat trip across the river. The short trip began with a leisurely coast across the water, seeing the falls up close, before we were warned to pack away our valuables into waterproof bags. At that point the pace picked up, we sped across the river and were taken directly under one of the waterfalls. We all got completely soaked. Definitely an experience I won´t forget in a hurry.

The next day we visited the Brazilian side, which considering is only about 20 mins away by car, takes a ridiculous four buses, two border checks and over two hours to get to. Not ideal at midday when it is 40 degrees! When we finally arrived, a tad irritable from the journey, it took us less than two minutes before our good moods were restored, as we got to see the full scale of the falls. It is from Brazil that you get to see the falls in their entirety and it is pretty awesome sight. Although the view was amazing, unlike the Argentinian walking trails, there is little to keep you longer than a couple of hours so after taking far too many photos we headed home (taking an expensive but worthwhile 20 minute taxi).

Next up - wildlife watching in the Pantanal....

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18th March 2009

That looks amazing! So beautiful.

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