A wonderful week in Copan! =)

Published: February 21st 2009
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Friday - February 13

The San Pedro Sula sun beat down on us in the tiny airport parking lot. Along with the gorgeous green mountains, it was the heat that made me smile to myself and say, "April, you're not in Michigan anymore!"

Within an hour or so of landing I was in the bus station, buying a ticket to Copan on the Casasola, and counting down the minutes until I'd arrive in the town that I called home for a year and a half. I'd already been traveling since 6 am, flying from Detroit to Houston and then to San Pedro. Now I had another 3 plus hours waiting for me.

But I entered the bus bursting with the enthusiam of being back in my beloved country. I flashed a smile at two guys sitting behind me in the bus and said, "Que calor hace aca!" We then chatted some about where I came from, the weather, where I was going, and what I was doing. The heat was really getting to me, and searched for some muchacho that was selling agua by the sides of the bus. But no such luck. Thankfully though I had made it just in time for the two o'clock bus, and we left within a few minutes.

Sitting across from me was an elderly couple, probably traveling back to their town after visiting some relatives. Half way through the trip I glanced over and saw them holding hands. What an incredibly sweet thing! It's not exactly typical, but made me extremely happy!

It was amazing to get off the bus and be in Copan again! It was as if I had just left yesterday, and not six months ago. Even as I took a moto taxi to my host family's house in barrio San Pedrito Abajo, I passed people that I knew. Some waved and called out, "Abril!" Others took a double-take as if not really sure if the blond gringa was me or not.

Arriving at my host family's house I was greeted with hugs and shouts! They had though I would be coming on Saturday or Sunday - so it was a great surprise for them! It was wonderful to be back with them. "Hermana Abril," Pastor Nahun said, "we feel that it's as if you'd never left!" I had beans and tortillas for dinner and slept in my old bedroom .... OH SO HAPPY to be there with them again!

SATURDAY and SUNDAY - February 14, 15

I passed the day with Anna, a friend from Michigan that's been teaching at a bilingual school in Santa Rita, about 20 minutes from Copan. It was great to share with her about teaching experiences. I went back with her to her house and went to a Saturday night revival and Sunday morning Sunday School. It was great to see friends from the churches and to sepnd the time with Anna.

Sunday afternoon I tagged along with Blair and his friend Matt as they registered kids for the next week of their before-after school project. Blair tuaght at the bilingual school with me and about a year ago he had a vision of beginning the after school program in Copan. He and Matt are in Copan for several weeks doing a pilot of the program. I had the pleasure of participating several days through the week and LOVED IT! They're with the organization called Urban Promise, and I'm really excited for how God will use them in Copan!

Sunday night I was blessed to be with my brothers and sisters in the church service! I was especially encouraged to feel the energy in the church and to see several new faces. The sermon was spectacular too - one of the best I've ever heard from Pastor Nahun!

MONDAY - February 16

I spent the day at the bilingual school and had so much fun seeing my students again! I visited several classes, spent recess and lunch with them, and met some of the new teachers. No one knew that I was coming to visit, so it was another grand surprise! I was so happy to hear the report on the students I had taught in second and third grade. They have two fantastic teachers this year and are doing well both academically and behaviorly. What a blessing to hear that! I'm so pleased with their progress!

For dinner I went to a friend's house and we made baleadas! Delicious! She made sure to write the recipe down so I can TRY and make them back in Michigan.

TUESDAY - February 17

I went with Sarai, my host sister, to her school for about an hour and a half this morning. I had visited last year, so many of her classmates remembered me.

Later I helped with the morning before-school program (first through third grades go to school in the afternoon). The children are so sweet and it was a pleasure to help them with homework, art projects and games.

I spent the afternoon visiting friends, getting my hair cut, my nails painted, and figuring out that I could spend an extra day in Copan and leave on Friday for La Joya rather than on Thursday! HAPPINESS!

WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY - February 18, 19

Helped again with the morning program and starting falling in love with those kids! The girls would run to me in with flowers and hugs! Blair and Matt are doing an excellent job and I'm eager to see them continue!

A friend took me out for lunch which was AMAZING!!! I love the typical Honduran food! I also spent some time enjoying my host family, watching a couple movies with them, and having a "sleep over" with Sarai. 😊

FRIDAY - February 20

I said good-bye to my host family at 4:30 am and took a moto taxi to the bus station to leave a bit after 5. I hate saying good-byes ... but I feel like I may be back to visit in several months, so we were all happy to say, "See you soon!" Each time it becomes easier and easier to come back to Honduras. 😊

I traveled on bus 3 hours to San Pedro, then 5 hours to the capital city, Tegucigalpa. The missionaries met me there to take me the last three hours to La Joya.

This is the most beautiful place in Honduras and I am SO HAPPY to be back! It's wonderful to be with the missionary family and my friends here! I'm excited for the next two weeks and all God has planned!


18th April 2009

I would like to try the recipe too. Hannah told me baleadas are THE BEST!!

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