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February 12th 2009
Published: February 12th 2009
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1: 80 secs
Videos! FInally! ok the first one that I took would NOT upload! So this one may not make sense! This one I took AFTER the big tour of the house and I led you all out onto the back lawn etc but then forgot to show you my THIS video is a continuation and of my garden and it shows the backyard and the side of the house and you can see my car...if I had walked towards my car that is obviously the front of the house! SO I will take another video to show you the rest of the house but for now this is all that would load! So you can see me and my garden and the backyard! Phew! Finally one of them uploaded! ENjoy! and I will take another TONIGHT and make it shorter and put it up asap! xxoo love you!!!!


12th February 2009

And WE MISS YOU TOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice garden! lol I am impressed!!! ship me some green tomatoes so i can fry them!

Tot: 0.037s; Tpl: 0.009s; cc: 6; qc: 23; dbt: 0.0201s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1009.2kb