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February 7th 2009
Published: February 11th 2009
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Hello! so everyone loved the videos! I decided to post some more to let you see the my room and the house and my garden etc!!! I forgot to go and film my garden in this first video so I went and made another!
It was a good week...I am going to get more shifts at the cafe so that is good! Mark got his bike back! Wahooo! He went riding on Wednesday so he was happy! It was also Waitangi day (Feb 6) - the day the treaty was signed between the Maori and the Pakeha (the Maori word for the white European settlers). I had to work so I think I get paid time and a half! So I went out last night with Mark's friend Greg's girlfriend Jess and her sister Jenn. It was fun, but then they would not let me into the bar because I didn't have NZ ID!!!! I had my drivers licence plus my health card plus a credit card and they would not let me in! It was nuts! But then we went to this side bar door and I was going to get in but we had enough and so we just came home. It was fun being out with some girls though! And Mark and Greg hung out - I had made them some past for dinner and they just had to reheat it - and they watched motocross and had a couple beers then met up with us in town. But I am definitely feelin it today 😞 Oh and so I have the next two weekends off and Mark and I are probably going to go camping near the Bay of Plenty and head to Rotorua! It is a popular NZ tourist site with lots of geysers - an area with lots of geothermal activity. And is also close to Mount Maunganui. And its valentines day so that will be fun!!!! And the weekend after that is the Crusty Demons show in Aukland! Oh and also coming up on the 28th is this wine festival at Sentry Hill vineyard. They have 3 or 4 bands playing including Op Shop who we saw on New Years. We are going with Greg and Jess. Oh and this week I am going to work Monday and Friday at Mark's mom shop to help her out cause the other lady who works with her is off on vacation for the week and she needs a hand! Should be fun and we can gossip about Mark! lol
Well thats all for now! Enjoy the videos!!! If they ever upload! lol
okay so the video's wouldn't upload yesterday and I'm trying again this morning!!! OH and Ry and D I found a Mac shop and called and they will take a look at our computer and see what is going on with the web cam! So hopefully we can do a skype soon and you can see me too!!! But for now hopefully the video's are enough! xxoo
Love and miss you all xxoo An
Ummm so the video wouldn't load the other day EITHER! So now it's tuesday but I am not going to give up! I think that timing is everything so I'm hoping that the network or whatever is not busy and the video will be successful! It is 98 MB and the max is 100 so I don't see any reason why it won't upload! BUt now I have another update cause I worked with Mark's mom yesterday and we had a good day! I tried to be helpful but she can't really show me too much in one day! And I loved looking around her shop for things I want to buy for myself! haha! I did buy some beautiful gloves with my gift cert from xmas time! And then I worked again today at the cafe and my shift went by so fast! It was a rainy day and was surprisingly busy! Mark is working up at his uncle's house doing some pressure washing etc cause the truck work has died down and so he was able to come by for lunch and see me!!!! Also tomorrow is Nana's birthday in New Zealand!!!! So Happy New Zealand birthday Nana!!! Well I'm off to make banana bread while this video tries again to upload! thanks again for all the comments! Steve I will try and find out where the giraffe is from! Haha I'm glad you appreciate him as much as I do! They ladies at work get so annoyed with me making him dance all day long!
xxoo love Andrea
ok they wouldn't work but I will keep trying! I just wanted to post this with some pics so that you can catch up on my week!!! I'm off to work today! It's been rainy/cloudy this week but has been busy at the cafe so thats good!!! And thanks for the mail Krith, Cal and Mags!!! love you! xxoo


11th February 2009

THE Video
Wow, that's the best video I've never seen. You looked marvelous darling. Say Hi to Mark. Luv Big John

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