Love the Phi Phi Islands

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February 1st 2009
Published: February 1st 2009
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Pah, i've written this once & my pc crashed, so if this is rubbish, thats why, not me being lazy...

Got the boat from Phuket to the Phi Phi Islands. Nice big cruiser, sat up on deck with a chilled Singha in the sun. Stunning place, and we spent the first night in a bamboo hut right on the beach surrounded by wild monkeys!!!! The night life on Phi Phi is very lively, and i'm not one to say no to a beer now & then.... First night we spent in a lot of the bars beating swedes & canadians at pool.... and of course watching live Rock music.... they LOVE live rock over here....

We moved from the beach, 5 mins upwards into the jungle and stayed in a wooden cabin, with a pool & swim up bar, very nice...... Out again second night, some more pool, lots of bars, and the GREATEST bar i think i will ever go too! Called Reggae bar, had a Kickboxing ring inside. We sat ringside, they bring drinks over, and you watch pro fighters. Christ they're good. BUT, most of the fights are between drunk westerners. They ask for volunteers, then parade you around the ring trying to find someone who wants to have a go at you....... All for a free bucket cocktail... Superb, legalised pub brawling for booze. And in between rounds they sip more cocktails in their corner.. Some poor girl from the UK was a little drunk and fought a rather serious looking swede, who BATTERED her..... they hugged after tho..... Beach party after this till silly o clock, very nice.....

Up early to catch a 10 minute long tail boat to a different beach on Phi Phi called Hat Yao.... Very quiet place, so spent the day sunbathing and swimming in the clear sea with loads of fish..... Getting a little tan now.....

Left Phi Phi this morning, another cruiser, top deck jobby over to Ko Lanta. Spent 3 hours looking for somewhere to stay, couldn't find the place that was recommended by my sis, so will go tomorrow.... More to follow on Ko Lanta.....

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Jordans - Thai BranchJordans - Thai Branch
Jordans - Thai Branch

Just catching up with my little known relatives on Ko Phi Phi

2nd February 2009

Proper Jealous
Mate just been checking out your pics, looks awesome bud. Favourite pics in this order 1. Roy being kissed by a man! 2. Crotch shot of you on the beach! 3. Roy in his hammock brooding over his couch! Only just got the tinterweb working bud so ill be following closely now! Keep up the goodwork. Oh and will you let Roy know we need his details! Cheers chief take it easy bud, oh and have you used your emergency tissue yet! Tricky
3rd February 2009

Looks amazing!!
Hi Eddie.. looks amazing. I keep reading this blog at work and wishing i was out there.. Sounds like you and Roy are having a great time! Keep posting! Cheers Johnny and Kate
5th February 2009

Remove that geeky pic now!
Hi Edward, Lucky boy! Good entertaining read (especially when I am at WORK)keep it up your showing your sister some competition. Not your best piccy in that checked shirt!!!! Kim and Emily will be on soon. Enjoy Lisa xx

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