of drinking straight from the bottle

Published: January 8th 2009
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8 January 2009
8am Thursday

Yesterday sucked. My hormones are all out of whack and I woke up crying, stayed in bed until the ungodly hour of 8:30 AM and when I emerged to go to the worst-latrine-in-all-of-Nicaragua my two younger Nica siblings were messing around outside and handed me a note from Eyebrows asking to borrow C100.

Now, most of this is my fault because I loaned money once and that set a precedent. And she paid me back. But I was in a pissy mood. And she’d borrowed C100 in December and Angsty Fro borrowed C40. So I folded up the C100 in the note, passively aggressively wrote the balance of C240 and practically threw it at the kids on my way to the latrine and then shower.

This morning, in a slightly saner mood, I realize that this is a great opportunity to start a community bank. Then she can borrow all the money she wants, at a 10%!i(MISSING)nterest rate. Good lesson. Need to read the community bank literature that we have so I can start planning.

So I was a total hermit yesterday. Barely emerged out of my room. Just figured it would be better not to subject everyone to my mood in that state…. which was alternately sad and pissed off.

Sad and pissed because the pastor’s family is moving and a new family is coming in to take over the church and I am hurt that they didn’t tell me and that I had to hear it from the community.

Sad and pissed that my best PC friend has gone back to the States. Yes, she is worlds happier there and clearly has made the right decision in going home and I’m happy that she is happy… but the selfish part of me is like, WTF? She is the only one who has met The Boy, the one with the dark sense of humor that I soooo need here, the one who got me. And now she is just as far away and unreachable as the rest of my comrades in the States and Mexico. The other PCV with whom I fall well has no signal in her site and therefore might as well be in the States or Mexico for all that we get to talk.

So my hormones are all effed up. And all the negative thoughts were getting to me yesterday. Additionally, my English classes didn’t happen because the students thought I was still on vacay, so no one showed up. So that sucked.

I’m not gonna lie, I ended up in my room watching Amelie and drinking 5 year Flor de Cana rum straight from the bottle. It was a dark day.

But today is better so far. First, for the first time since I got back there has been water at the pump. So we hauled water all morning. The barrels and stone pilas - or like above ground cisterns - were getting awfully low. And I am going to Somoto on the 9:30 bus to post this and a helluva lot of photos, too.

More laaaaater.


Excuse the bad baby Spanish… A manifesto of sorts... (ps traveblogben, wendy, help?)

Me he atrevido (he osado) a vivir aquí por más que dos años. Estoy viviendo en un país extraño, hablando una lengua extraña, y viviendo muy lejos de mi patria, mi idioma materno, mi casa, mi familia, y mis amigos.

He decidido (he optado por) ser una voluntaria porque quiero conocer una cultura nueva y aprender español. He vivido, trabajado, y viajado a otros países antes de Nicaragua. Sin embargo (no obstante) la vida de una voluntaria del Cuerpo de Paz tiene mas importancia. Tengo un oportunidad grande para dar asistencia tecnico, y para compartir las culturas de Nica y los Estados. Soy una embajadora de mi patria y eso es un honor y un responsibilidad grande.

Estoy contenta en Nicaragua y en mi communidad en Madriz Sí, a veces me siento sola, y extraño mi familia y mi patria. Pero, soy jóven, tengo tiempo para vivir en mi país, y yo creo que la vida es una aventura.


15th January 2009

straight from the bottle?
Rum straight from the bottle????? Well, Hon, you're a better woman than I'll ever be! Ha Ha! eeeeeeeeeee-yuk!

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