Kyoto,japan, the first step :)

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December 12th 2008
Published: December 12th 2008
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Hello everyone.

Our first blog of the trip. We have been in Japan (Nihon) for 3 days, 1 of which we slept the entire day. It is warmer here than back at home. The first day we got out which was Thursday 11th, it was about 15 degrees, with perfect blue sky. It was really weird. It was like being in our autumn again.

we have been round many temples, which all have their own unique style. Everything seems so peaceful and delicate. the buildings are all made of wood and are held together with bamboo nails. Wherever we have been we have had to take our shoes off and been provided with slippers. Their gardens consist of many trees, some water and gravel. the gravel they rake into patterns or straight lines.

At most temples, they have a cleansing bath outside, where most people wash their hands, face and even drink. We have been lucky to witness many Japanese people worship. They throw money over this fence towards the building and ring this bell using the different coloured peices of material attached. They clap their hands twice and put their hands together at the same time as bowing their heads.

Most temples have walk ways with pillars making archways through to the temples or rest areas. On some of these pillars we have seen these largish spiders, like our common garden spider, except with yellow backs and red bottoms.

we were faced with chop sticks earlier. I tried to eat noodles with them. It wasn't overly successful. henry faced a bowl full of rice with tofu, this proved to be a real challange with his pretty basic chopstick skills. still overall japan so far has been so amazing!


12th December 2008

You are so lucky!!
I am so jealous. I've just read your 1st blog entry and looked at your pics on facebook. I'd never have the guts to do what you're doing but I'm so jealous. roll on January and Australia. see you there! miss you both. xx
13th December 2008

Sounds awesome guys ; D would love to soak up some of that culture myself one day! If you guys venture anywhere near Akihabara then I expect you to take many a cool photo for me... Can't wait to hear more - Stay safe!
15th December 2008

Cant believe you are there!
Hi you two. Was thinking of you flying out - how was the flight? Take care
24th December 2008

Merry Christmas to you both, and a Happy New Year. only 28 days now til we'll be out in Oz with you!xx

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