Parade Day

Greece's flag
Europe » Greece » Central Macedonia » Thessaloniki
November 11th 2008
Published: November 17th 2008
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Best Seats in the HouseBest Seats in the HouseBest Seats in the House

Of course this was before we got the Frappas so we lost this spot.
One of the few days we had off in the past few weeks was due to a national holiday. The holiday consists of..... well I'm not 100% sure but it has to do with Greece's eventual defeat of Spain when the Spanish tried to invade and take over. The closest equivalent in an American holiday would probably be the Fourth of July. Rather than shoot off fire works and get drunk this Greek holiday is celebrated with a huge military parade. Just about everyone in the city, skips work(nothing new there), buys a flag and heads to the parade route early so they can get a good seat. Nathan and i got there a little late but found a good spot. We promptly lost that spot however when we went on a little search to find Frappas.
One of the things I've learned while traveling is to try and experience new cultures with as much of a clean slate or an open mind as possible. If you travel around with the preconception that your culture is the best you will never be able to fully enjoy a new culture for what it is. That being said; American parades are way
Post FrappaPost FrappaPost Frappa

Walking was fun. Especially with my Greek Flag
cooler than Greek ones. I'm sorry for breaking my own rule but in this case it has to be said. I mean where were the marching bands or the girls throwing the twirly things? They didnt have old men in little cars or gym kids doing cartwheels; I saw not a single float and no one smiled or waved at me the whole time. Dont get me wrong, it was a cool parade but when it comes to that little extra, i think America might have an edge on the rest of the world.....or at least on Greece.
The other things we have been able to fit into our schedule is Monday night salsa and Saturday night karaoke. The middle from my team (Alex) owns the cafe bar where this takes place so we usually get a couple of free drinks. For our first outing at the karaoke bar we kept it pretty simple with only three songs; Sweet Caroline by Neal Diamond , Killing me softly by the Fugees , and of course Living on a prayer by Bon Jovi. Unfortunately my camera was out of battery so you will just have to take my word that I
Nathan Nathan Nathan

Frappa and flag in hand. As you can see there were alot of people lining the streets.
was up there singing. You will also have to take my word for it that my salsa skills are well above par. The only reason for this, though is because the guy who is in charge of the songs is also a salsa instructor. The story of this guy is pretty good.
He's about 5'5" and has more energy than Richard Simons. He speaks Greek and Spanish fluently but when it comes to English he can only count to four and say, "Come On!!!" He's got more moves than a Jell-O party and he wont take no for an answer when he tells you to dance. Most of the single guys end up watching him dance rather than the women because his is just THAT entertaining. When he pinned a girl to the wall with his booty shaken I finally asked Alex where on earth this guy came from. Alex replied with a big smile on his face, "OH OH, Heeee's my cooosin." So to all of my cousins out there, I'm sorry for not being as cool.
If anyone wants to see the website for the team its:

Its all in Greek but just
Lots of Greek FlagsLots of Greek FlagsLots of Greek Flags

Since we were alone we didnt really understand what was going on the whole time. This group of people were carrying a lot of flags.
click around and have fun.
Thats all for now.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Nice spotNice spot
Nice spot

We had a really nice view of things until this pair showed up. Whats a kid doing at a parade on a school day anyway?!?!?!
Big TanksBig Tanks
Big Tanks

They had a lot of big tanks. Now when i say alot i mean the entire Greek army must have rolled by on these tanks.

Yes it was a little scary.
Alex DiazAlex Diaz
Alex Diaz

This is Alex. He is from Cuba originally but has been playing here in Greece for ten years now.
Nathan RobertsNathan Roberts
Nathan Roberts

The last picture i was able to manage before my battery died. I think its a keeper.
Fun FactFun Fact
Fun Fact

There is tons of Graffiti in the city. The only difference is that its not gang related but rather in support of the local soccer teams. But sometimes I think its just people being bored.

17th December 2008

travel the world
I will forever be jealous that you will always be traveling the world. It's wonderful!

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