Togas and Reefs!

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October 10th 2008
Published: October 10th 2008
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Us with our friend annika and the main rep from the party bus!!
Thanks for everyones comments makes us remember we are loved by some people!!
We have actually done something other than get a tan and go out at night now yayyy!!
booked our rainforest trip for next monday and tuesday and we went to the great barrier reef a few days ago!
Was sooo pretty and a gr8 boat even if lauren was sea sick all day 😞
Went to a random bit of sand in the middle of the ocean on a glass bottom boat and went off snorkelling! was very very pretty and we saw some fish that were bit better than your goldfishhes at home! we found nemo and his little babiess awwwww and held a sea slug, even if lauren threw once she realised what it was! protecting the reef went kind of out the window!
we don't have pictures of the fishes as we couldnt get a watery camera but we did the intellewctual thing and found out the names of them! one was white with pink tear drops from the eyes and one had rainbow dots all down the side!
Emily went off for a dive and lauren eventually got sea sickness pills about half hour before we got off the boat! She sed the dive was amazing, very pretty colours and all that! didnt see any sharks though 😞
We hve also been on a toga party wehey with our party bus group who we spend way too much time with as emily won another free trip on the bus so we are off again on saturday!!!
finally managed 2 get photos on here yayy! thought we'd include some of our nights out where u will keep seeing a nice tall blondey, thats annika our swedish friend who all the men seem to want to know, we can't figure out why! we met her on our first night here and stayed together ever since!
We had our first try of the boxed wine out here called goon and everyone was right, it is lethal!
Made lots of other random friends and have been attempting to find places to stay so not so many hostels! mostly for sydney, everyone very friendly so it's pretty easy to do!
lots of football tours in cairns at the moment so we meet them and they usually live around australia somewhere!
Don't worry parents we have already found plenty of very nice australian men that we wouldn't mind marrying so it could be happening!
Enjoyy the photos and we will probably write again just after the weekend!
Lots offf lovveee to you all!

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


The lagoon The lagoon
The lagoon

where we spend our lazy days! no sea swimming coz of jellyfishes!
Sexy stuff!Sexy stuff!
Sexy stuff!

Emily with her scuba gear on!

At the front of the boat on way home!
One for the parents!One for the parents!
One for the parents!

He got his own seat!

10th October 2008

Hi both yes you have made me green with envey, scuba so great Lauren you must do it next time shame you was sick was it the night after a bus tour?. Things at home are very quite got home before Carole last night the house was all in darkness the kitchen surfaces where as I let them no noddle bowls in sink, no smell of chicken nuggets no sound of music that I can't stand no tv I missing that kids thing you watch Emily what was it call, no shoes to fall over and both you rooms are tidy, I had not idea before you left how much I would miss your noise and mess. We seem to have got old over night, Glad you are have a great time making friend and see all that the world has to offer. Beth you don't miss all the time at work that has enable you two to get there, Emily your shools team are next to me now in the office they miss you too ask every day what you are up too, be safe husbands good babies bad, be sure to find our retirement home on the back of a beautiful beach. Miss you both XX
10th October 2008

togas and reefs
hi lauren -hi emily -thanks for the photos - you both look great -having the time of your lives - so much to do and see eh?looks like your hair is blonding up in the sun lauren -wont recognise you when you come back!!! have fun both of you - luvulots xx nanny xx
10th October 2008

Hi Girls I feel that you're having too good a time and that you must need a chaperone. I've noticed you've left a T-Shirt at home so I'm bringing it over and then I might as well stay to look after you....Only Joking. Sounds like you're making loads of friends and sorting things out well. I love your pictures, keep putting them on. Love you loads. xxxxxx
10th October 2008

Lauren you are definitely my neice I was sooooooo ill when we went out to the Reef, I said never ever again - I should have warned you about sea sickness tablets - we went to the Reef from Airlie Beach - 3 hours it was horrid, better on the way back after the tablets!! If you can get up to Daintree and see the crocs - they are lovely - Love to both of you, and keep enjoying yourselves
11th October 2008

Hi Emz so glad your having such a great time, enjoying your texts and blog. Keep it up Love and miss you mum XXX

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