No more lack of sleep!

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Europe » Italy » Veneto » Verona
September 13th 2008
Published: September 13th 2008
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Yay, my foot is a LOT better today! There was a bit of swelling on the top of my foot this morning, and I could feel the liquid moving around when I walked. Gross huh? I just put on shoes and socks, and hoped for the best. After I walked around for awhile, my foot was pretty much completely healed. I'm glad; I really didn't want to have to explore an Italian hospital.

So today we had a relaxation day, and let me tell you it was wonderful. Not only that but everyone NEEDED it. I went to bed at about midnight and woke up at 10:30, so it was nice to actually sleep in for once. It rained all day, so it was a nice day to not have plans. A few friends and I finally figured out the bus situation, so we went into town to get some food. I will never get sick of pizza and pasta.

Tomorrow we're headed to Montreux, Switzerland and I can't wait because I am in love with the Alps! Three other friends and I made tentative reservations with the skydiving company in the Inter Locken (spelling?) area of Switzerland, and I am so excited. Hopefully the weather stays nice for us so they won't cancel. We have to miss the walking tour that morning, but oh well!

Our hotel is so nice here in Verona. I'm in a room with 3 other girls, which is the most out of every other room, but that's okay because for once we have a private bathroom! I like the convenience (monetarily wise) of hostels, but this hotel is awesome. The employees are very nice (this one front desk worker keeps hitting on me, and he is literally STARING at me right this moment... not that I mind). I have never been hit on so much in my life. Tom, the husband of our leader, told me it is because I am pretty much one of the only people on the tour who looks Italian and exotic. Woo!

Anyway, I am going to get some tea before dinner.


20th September 2008

how's your foot?
what happened to your foot? Glad to hear it's better :) I envy your bravery, i really want to go abroad...I'm an art student in denton and my grandmother (who was the person who commented on your last post btw! :P ) was born in verona, so i need to go! lol hope the rest of your trip goes/went well! ciao! -Danielle-

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