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August 16th 2008
Published: August 23rd 2008
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We arrived in Bangkok early on Thursday morning (14th Aug).

Now, before I forget, it would appear that from both our flights, it is the ‘done thing’ to bring your granny along and sit her in any seat she wants to sit in (i.e. ours) and play the old sympathy card - “Oh, the old dear needs the extra leg room!”

I must admit, this trick worked the first time (London to Delhi) but, second time round, NO! I stood our ground. Although Julie was definitely mortified by my great lines, which included:

• “We booked these seats 24hours ago so it ain’t our problem I’m afraid”,
• “Yup, we want to get some rest as well. That’s why we booked the seats with the extra leg room 24 hours ago”
• “Sorry, did I not mention we booked the seats 24hours ago?”and
• “I can see she has swollen legs, which surely means she shouldn’t be flying?”

Anyway, the kind air-host(ess) (unsure) kindly assisted the old ladies back to their allotted seats and we crashed out for the duration of the flight. In case you are wondering, it turns out that the extra leg room makes all the difference if you want a kip. We slept like lambs.

We have spent 3 days in Bangkok visiting the top sites of the city, including Wat Po, the floating market, other markets selling everything from (fake) Tag watches to (fake) Nike Shox. And I thought I had been spoilt with the Barras on our doorstep in Glasgow!

On the second night we went to the Thai boxing. I was surprised how much Julie got into it. Not only that but her Thai speaking came on leaps and bounds when ever she got close to the Tote stand. She would have won big if she had stuck to her guns on the last fight Paul (England) v’s Gary (Australia). Her original reaction was that Paul would get a total slapping in the first round, which is exactly what happened. I only wish her cooking was as reliable as her betting.

After the highs and lows (more lows than highs if you like home comforts) of the accommodation so far on our travels we used some of the old loyalty points to stay in the (5*) Westin in Bangkok. Not boasting, it’s just that this has been a far flung change from the guest house / hostels / farm yards we have been staying in so far. Although I have never been asked by a concierge to show my booking confirmation before crossing the doorway! Cheeky beggar; we put clean t-shirts on that day, and everything!

So our first shortstop over in Bangkok has been fantastic. Thailand is still my favourite country in the world, and I think jOOl’s has joined the club. People are the friendliest and most helpful we have ever come across, and the food is 1st class no mater where you eat.

Tonight we are taking the overnight train up to Laos. This really is the holiday that just keeps giving!


25th August 2008

miss you both, glad 1st anniversary was ok
sunday 24th here in canada buckets of rain and cold just like bonnie aberdeen,will talk on line when we get home

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