I waved goodbye to all my friends.

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July 3rd 2008
Published: July 5th 2008
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Jamie and Becky Jamie and Becky Jamie and Becky

With the world before us!
The past few months have been a whirlwind of planning and shopping and researching (the fun stuff)... and then finishing up current jobs and school, getting paperwork for my new job completed, trying to sell my car, trying to rent out my apartment, etc (not-so-fun stuff). With a little bit of panic thrown in. Now that it's crunch time, we realized that we were in serious need of relaxing for a night and spending some time with our friends whom we won't see for two months. Taking advantage of the public holiday, I threw a second annual 3rd of July/going away party at my apartment.

The only issue with throwing a party at my place in the summer is that I live on the third floor of a house and it is blazing hot up there during warm weather. Hence the healthy glow on all the faces of the partygoers in my photos. Once we got some fans going, it turned out to be a bit more bearable. And cold beverages always help!

I wore a new dress, which I refer to as my "Angelina Jolie" dress. Unfortunately, the faux-preggo picture I jokingly took didn't quite turn out as
Me and JoelMe and JoelMe and Joel

Look at those pearly whites - someone's been using Glisten!
I had hoped. I guess square throw pillows don't make for very believable baby bumps. (Haha - are you sick of that term yet?) I looked like I was about to give birth to a box.

This is more of a practice entry to get used to posting: stay tuned for our next installment, which will be coming to you from Cuzco, Peru!


Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10



Christy and Peter.
Extreme CloseupExtreme Closeup
Extreme Closeup

Aaron and I look almost the same height in this photo :).
Becky and AaronBecky and Aaron
Becky and Aaron

Nonchalantly pretending not to pose.
Me and Alison with one "l"Me and Alison with one "l"
Me and Alison with one "l"

Allison with the double "l" couldn't make it. Nor could best friend Allison, who's in London. Too many Allisons.
Get down, ...Get down, ...
Get down, ...

Karola brings in tha funk while husband Harvey realizes that they forgot to send the "lime green attire" memo to the rest of the group.
...get funky....get funky.
...get funky.

You have to imagine that Ice Cube is playing overhead. And that Dave is trying to gouge his eyes out.

6th July 2008

Beck! To you and Jamie... ¡Buen viaje! r%lah s¿+dah (Will someone please tell me what those little boxes are?) Gute Reise! Šeastnú cestu! Sre no pot! Sretan put! Love you!
7th July 2008

Bye bye bye
Hi Becky! Have a wonderful trip-looking forward to reading about your travel exploits! Stay safe and have fun! Love, Allison (the London one, with 2 L's) :P
17th July 2008

Yay for travelling!
Travelling is awesome - not only do you get to see some of the world, but it's a great excuse for parties - not only do you need a goodbye party, you'll need a welcome home party, too! Hope you're having a grand old time :)

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