A little blessing

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June 26th 2008
Published: June 26th 2008
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Well just thought i would share with you a little blessing that i have felt today...after its about time i start reporting some positive things...believe me positive things do happen and its not just misery here, its just for some reason the negative things seem to stay more firmly in my mind.

Basically i was kinda getting down bout my lack of ability to allow kids to ride horses and unable to think of things to do instead and serverly running out of time...but God has blessed me cos He gave me more time. 2morro i have the afternoon off to think of alternatives...something which wouldnt have happened if it wasnt for His input over the timetabling.
Come to think of it...last week He also planned out the timetable to make things easier for me as my afternoon off was sheduled the day after i came out of hospital and was told to rest my foot!

Another thing is i got my 1st hug off a kid today...it was the weirdest circumstances...basically i had just finished checking her hair for lice and then she turned round and hugged me. Found it soooo sweet!

Oooo and another thing...basically my negativity has really been getting me down recently and ive been praying about it cos its something that really holds me back but today i decided that its time to turn it around and think positively...i have been looking at things from all the wrong angles. For example i am always getting down because i dont think im doing a good job...well if i continue to think that then i definitely wont be cos my enthusiam will be non-existant and the kids wont have fun. I only fail when the kids stop having fun. This doesnt necessarily mean that they have to ride the horses...it just means i have to me more inventive. Time to get the creativity cap on and get thinking about things to keep the kids engaged with horse related things and also related everything i have to say back to God.
The only reason things arent going well is because i am letting the negative thoughts control me and im becoming self-centred and selfish. This experience is not about my performance or abilities or how liked i am but about making this summer a summer the kids will not forget!

Hopefully these mini revelations will not disappear...i really need to cling onto these lessons and remind myself of them each day. After all i am here as a servant of God...the world does not owe me anything and God definitely does not owe me any favours...i mean He has already gone above and beyond what i deserve by sending Christ to take the punishment for my sins!

A little reminder to all those Christians who are out there...(a thing which i put on my random encouragement attached to candy)
'You may be the only bible that some people read'
Our actions as Christians really are constantly observed, analysed and criticised so we need to be aware of how our actions portray the gospel. We need to be examples in everything we do and we mustnt forget to show that we too are human and can accept and admit our mistake...BUT that we ask for forgiveness and repent.

All my love and hugs to all those at home!
Special mention to Natalie as i could not go out to celebrate her bday! Welcome to the happy club of 19yr olds! Hope u ad a fab time celebrating and took loads of pics so i can see what u guys got up2! Hope u hav a fab bday!

God bless!


26th June 2008

Rachel we love you!!
Hey Rachy!aww its encouraging to hear that u feel a little more positive about things-and what u said before about the kids going up to accept jesus in the church service is awesome either way! : ) ive just spoken to my mum, are u the only englidh girl still? because my mum has a friend and her daughter who i know quite well from Nottingham is at a camp america camp with the salvation army and she went a few days after u and it just seemed like just a conincidence...so i wondered if mayb she was on your camp??? if she is she's really lovely and if u told her u knew me i'm sure you'd get on well. its unlikey i know but who knows...she could be on your team i guess! Anyway justr wanted to say we love u and miss u and its getting so hard to say goodbye at uni to people that in a way its perhaps good not to be here but i luvs u lots and lots partner in crime!! Patterson has been doing the rounds of CU ...venturing into the depths of Ben Barracloughs suit jacket...the far realms of charlies closet...and has even attended the odd CU meeting...he's a very spiritual bear! : P take care. much luvs . may your adventure continue with many rich blesings xxx

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