ENTRY 24 -- The Confessing Church.

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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Nuremberg (aka Nürnberg)
March 14th 1987
Published: January 30th 2006
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An Excerpt from the Travel Journal of Rev. H. Nigel Fox

Entry 24 - The Confessing Church

There are some women who, in saintly fashion, can bare any ordeal with stoic calm. My Norah however did not fall into this category of person. She had first burst into a passion of weeping, being fairly devastated by the fact that her life's work was no more; then her passion cooled into a dark anger, a vindictiveness, so very black and terrible, that I feared for her immortal soul. "Who could have done such a dastardly thing?" Norah asked, in a wretched tone that was truly unsettling.

Hans paused for a moment as we entered the taxicab, then said in a low voice, "Armanenshaft!"

"Who the devil are they?" asked Norah, her countenance changing.

"The Devil is right!" said Hans who had left the Lutheran Church for a sect calling itself the Confessing Church.

As we motored up to the rise at Brunel Terrace, Hans went on to share in some detail the particulars regarding the Brotherhood of the Armanen. He believed their leader was the Verführer who enjoyed death, destruction, slavery, and hate for their own sake and desired to pose the darkness as light. To Bishop Bell, Hans initially seemed "impetuous with his rigid theology and uncompromising emphasis on the integrity of confession over the advisability of converting and thus accommodating the Brotherhood." However, Bell now suspected Hans' position was not alarmist but accurate!

Hans further explained that Germany's leader had written a blueprint of his thousand-year rule, entitled My Struggle. "He has now been released from gaol and proclaimed the German Messiah: a 'God-man' of sorts. Germany is slipping into an idolatrous cult of the Führer (leader), who is in truth the Verführer! (seducer or Antichrist who shall mock God himself)."

"But . . . but, how did he secure his release from prison?" I questioned, fairly astounded. "He is guilty of murder and high treason!"

"The Brotherhood has infiltrated every major world government. Soon they shall be unstoppable."

Norah, with the look of cold steel in her eyes, inquired what they could possibly want with her work.

"According to Armanen ritual, when the Wolf of the Apocalypse secures the Cup of Christ and the Spear of Longinus, that date marks the beginning of the thousand-year rule. They view these objects as talismen of great power which even the Prince of Darkness can utilise."

"Poppycock! Pure superstition," I puffed, shooting Hans a look of incredulity. "I dare say a few artefacts in the hands of those lunatics is hardly capable of plunging us into Armageddon!"

Norah focused on me with a queer expression and stated, "Mister Hoff is quite correct. I know of the Grail legend! Do continue."

Hans slowly nodded his head. "The Brothers have for some time had access to the Hapsburg treasure. They have used the Holy Lance in their ritual. Now I believe they have stolen the cup. Mark my words; his is the beginning of mankind's darkest hour." The silence in the back of the cab was deafening. As we entered my drive, I reached across to place my hands over Norah's. They were deathly pale and cold as ice.

My Struggle

"My Struggle" became very popular round the world. In it was set out the philosophy of the Brotherhood: human beings are essentially dark creatures who by nature need to kill and maim. We need "blood sacrifice". Just as Darwin explained that an organism that does not fight to survive dies off, so too, if the 'folk' do not fight they shall wither and die. This book went on to ridicule the most basic of Christian beliefs. In the Brotherhood's theology, the ability to wage 'holy war' depends on the purity of one's blood, therefore impurity must be eliminated. The Hebrew was particularly detestable, and 'purification' was drastically needed! The teachings of the Christ were viewed with even more disgust. "My Struggle" proclaimed that the world was moving towards a final conflict in which all 'weakness' would be eliminated.

I conceded that the ideas outlined in "My Struggle" were not Christian, to be sure, yet they were so implausible, so very absurd in our civilised times, that no one could take them seriously. To my surprise and horror, Norah and Hans did. My beloved Norah changed: suddenly she had no time for me; our marriage plans were "postponed indefinitely"; she and Hans were consumed by hatred and apprehension of the Brotherhood.

Enabling Act Legislated

"Enabling Act Legislated" - I read the headline of the "Avalon Times" with shock and disbelief. The party, renamed the National Socialist German Workers Party, had been legally given dictatorial power. Absolute authority was now in the hands of the Armanenshaft! All Christian symbols were being replaced with the Fylfot cross, and other Satanic emblems. God's chosen people were ordered to wear the Mark of the Beast. The Gestapo would visit any Hebrew not wearing the yellow 'hex' and involved in the slightest commerce. According to the article, followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - be they Hebrew or Christian - were being systematically murdered.

Soon, the world began to be aware of the hypnotic effect of the new German Messiah. The Armanenshaft paid close attention to the psychological aspects of mind control; no regime in the history of mankind has ever behaved as did this one. One of the new government's most effective propaganda masterpieces was witnessed during the Olympic Games: the'Nordic Volk' were victorious in their quest for gold medals, showing the awesome power of their New World Order. Nonetheless, nothing compared to the rallies at Nuremburg. Huge crowds were drawn into a emotional roller-coaster ride that generated a state of mass euphoria.*

The Two Witnesses

"Nigel, back in Transkei when your would toilet flood, (which happens when you have a dozen people sharing one blessed toilet) it was not enough to mop up the mess. We had to shut off the water that was causing the flood! It is not enough for the Church to bandage the wounds of those caught under the 'wheel of injustice'; the Church must jam a spoke in the wheel itself." Hans tapped his right foot on the floor as he continued, "Nigel, if you join me this September at the rally in Nuremburg, and afterwards still believe that these 'leaders' are not in league with the Devil himself, I shall never raise the subject with you again."

For my own peace of mind and out of curiosity; I agreed to attend. I was thunderstruck! These rallies were truly awesome. Nothing was left to chance: flags of the Brotherhood flew everywhere; the fylfot banner dwarfed mortal beings; the thunderous sound of the armies of the New World Order marching with absolute precision shall never leave me; the mass meetings were finely-executed theatre of the most sophisticated form; non-believers became disciples as waves of orchestrated emotion flowed through the electrified crowd.

In the trance-like days of Nuremburg, portraits of the new Messiah were everywhere, with a caption reading, 'He Brings Salvation'.

The leaders of the new government proclaimed in speech after speech that their time in office would last a millennium: the Old Age had come to an end; the New Age had begun. The people were told that the teachings of Christ were foolish. The rhetoric rang out: "For Ptolemy the earth was the centre of the cosmos, but Copernicus proved the Bible wrong. Put telescopes in every village and that shall be the end of the Nazarene! "In the brave new world that we are birthing, the soul migrates and is eternally reborn; there is a universal psychic energy animating the cosmos. It is the Sig that is supreme. SigHail!"

When the speakers finally were silent, Hans advised me to listen closely to the German lyrics of the Youth League chorus. My eyes were directed towards a group of young, good-looking boys and girls singing lustily.

No evil priest can prevent us from feeling
that we are the children of Hitler.
We follow not Christ, but Horst Wessel.
Away with incense and holy water.
The Church can go hang for all we care.
The Fylfot cross brings salvation on earth.

I looked at Hans in disbelief. What were we witnessing? Crowds of tens of thousands were being swept away by the propaganda and pageantry. All round us they saluted in frenzied fashion, crying, "Hail! Hail!"

"Watch the flag ceremony closely," cried Hans above the roar of the folk. The standards were being 'inseminated' by flags that had been dipped in the blood of the Brothers who had fallen in the struggle. I shuddered at the disturbing picture.

Against my very will I, too, began to be drawn into the emotional maelstrom. As darkness descended, glowing torches filled the still-packed stadium. Revolving searchlights added to the air of growing excitement and energy. Thunderous music from military bands worked us to a fevered pitch. The feeling of exhilaration was overwhelming, the tension continuing to mount until that ultimate moment of climax: the Glorious Leader made a commanding entrance and stood in magnificence on the raised platform.

The effect was intoxicating. I had to exert all my will to keep from being seduced. The leader of the Brotherhood began his speech, his powerful voice reverberating round the stadium: "One folk, one faith, one leader! We control the Ultimate Power in the universe. We are now unstoppable. To-day we begin our glorious march to our destiny . . . what was once ours is ours once more. " With outstretched arms they sang "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles" and the Horst Wessel song. Hans raised his arm in the regulation Hitler salute, while I stood there dazed.

"Raise your arm!" said Hans

"Are you mad?" I whispered.

"We shall have to run risks for very many different things now, but not for that salute!

Dumbfounded I looked at the people round us, their faces transfigured by supernatural evil. Hans and I both knew. Christianity had died in Germany: Christ had been replaced by the Dark figure before us...and we were called to bear witness.

From that time on Hans was crystal-clear in his convictions. "Christ is looking down at humanity and asking whether there is anyone who still confesses Him." It was at this point, that Hans' "double life" truly began. This Confessing Church pastor and theologian became deeply involved in the resistance movement against the Darkness that threatened the world. That day in Germany, two witnesses were called to stand side by side for all eternity...


* Triumph of the Will

Holy Grail Part 1 and Part 2


23rd May 2007

Nigel seems like a cross between C.K. Andrews and Dr. Henry Jones Sr. pursuing a life-long search for the Holy Grail. The movie was based on a true story (as you are no doubt aware).
10th August 2011

The Confessing Church
The Confessing Church played a major role during the war.

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