The Kimberley

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June 23rd 2008
Published: June 23rd 2008
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Well I'm sitting here in Kununurra after spending nearly 4 weeks travelling from Perth, up to Broome and on through the Kimberley region of WA.

What can I say. It's been great fun. We've bush camped under the open stars, seen awesome scenery and waterfalls, been rained in for a day or so until the roads were opened again (got 40mm in one night). Anyhow I thought I'd list some of my highlights so far.

The gorges at Karijini NP in the Pilbara on the way up.
Camping on the beach at Roebuck bay, Broome.
Seeing all the crocs
Being rained in at Mornington (great place to be stuck - they have a bar)
Helping nervous overseas tourists get out of Mornington through all the mud. They loved it.
The Mitchell Falls (especially the chopper flight)
El Questro with it's great hot springs and gorge.
The Bungle-Bungle Ranges
Watching the movie 'wolf Creek' whilst camped at the Wolf Creek Crater after a roast dinner from the camp oven.

Well, that's about it for now. There's a few pictures included to show some of Kimberly.

Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


23rd June 2008

Beautiful pics John - sounds like you're having a great time :) I love the picture of the croc...but I hope you are zoomed right in with the camera and didn't get THAT close physically!!?? I would like you to return to work with both arms in tact please :) Take care! Kel
18th July 2008

Zoom and Croc
Hey Kel, Well it depends which crocodile pic. The close up one (in the first set from the Kimberley) was taken from about 4m away. You may notice that it's only a freshwater croc though, not a saltie. I've been taking pics with a zoom lens for those mean bities. John

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