Three Weeks To Go

Published: June 20th 2008
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Welcome to my first ever blog! I'm not sure where to start, so here goes nothing.

A few years ago, while I was living in NJ, I met tons of cool people. One of which inspired me to truly live my life to the fullest. When I first met Judy she was about to take off on a 6 month trip around the world, completely on her own. Reading about her adventures made me want to pack my bag and jump on the next airplane to a country I had never considered traveling to before.

Well, who would have thought that at my new school I would meet just the right people to make that adventure a reality. My first day at the Brooks I met two of the most amazing people, Eric and Mike, who had just came back from a summer long trip to Timbuktu. After hearing their stories I slowly started putting money aside. It took me two years, a part-time job working 5-2am and lots of encouragement, but my plane ticket is purchased, my shots have been given, my net has been sewed and I start my malaria pills next week.

Here is a rough agenda of our 6 week trip:
July 11th- leave for Bangkok
July 12th- after 27 hours of travel, arrive in Bangkok
July 13th-29th- Travel to Cambodia and Malaysia
July 29th- Head back to Bangkok to pick up Christina (I promise)
July 30th- August 18th- Chang Mai and Laos
August 19th- Head back to Boston

I hope you will join us along our journey!



20th June 2008

I still can't believe you're doing this. Good luck and be careful!
21st June 2008

You're gonna have a blast! We can blog each other to death on the way! Here's to a great adventure! mike
21st June 2008

Auntie Kristin
Dear Auntie Kris... I can't believe you are going to leave me for 5 weeks. What if I look different or forget who you are??? My mother is never letting me travel with you when I get bigger. Just FYI. But I'll miss you terrible and you are going to have my mommy really worried. You better call regularly or I'll have to listen to her. I'll miss my Auntie so much. Love Jaclyn
21st June 2008

Good for you Kristin.. I will be reading your blog and living vicariously through you in the 6 weeks you are there.. It'll be an experience that most people could only dream of doing..
22nd June 2008

I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear about All of your adventures. Be safe and have a wonderful adventure. Love ya Kristin!!!! Jane
23rd June 2008

Can't wait to hear how the show was!
23rd June 2008

So delighted to hear you are off!!!!! You are going to have the best time of your life. Don't listen to the naysayers, if they only knew what they are missing! I can't wait to read of your adventures. Jude, Donal and Roridan
23rd June 2008

Kristen, You are an inspiration. Enjoy! Thanks for including me in your blog. Sandy
24th June 2008

Love to the Long Necks!
I have implanted a GPS in your right arm and if things get rough I can reach you in no time at all. I know people. Marie, Carol, Judy, Jane, etc. Otherwise have the time of your life, and remember every single detail for those of us who have always just wanted to be K HO. My love, Lauren
24th June 2008

Kristen - I know that you'll have a fantastic experience - keep me posted !
25th June 2008

Dear Kristin, How exciting for you!!! I can't wait to hear all about your adventure. You have truly transformed yourself -- body, mind, and spirit. Stay safe!
26th June 2008

Can't say that Malaria Pills, Shots, and Sewing a Net is what I call a vacation but if anyone can do it you certainly can...Please be careful and leave the net there when you come back. Love Mom
26th June 2008

Kris, I can't believe you're doing this! Sounds awesome. Be careful and have an incredible life changing time! I'll be looking forward to reading all about it. CC
30th June 2008

You are my inspiration!
You are my constant! I am continually inspired by your drive and ambition. You motivate me to set goals and actually complete them! I can't wait to follow your journey through Malaysia! It is comforting to know you're never but a blog away:)
1st July 2008

9 days away from the trip of your life!
Hey Kristen, I can't believe in 9 days you will be embarking on this incredible journey. Please be careful....but have the time of your life! I can't wait to see pictures and hear all the stories (although I'm not sure know how much detail I want you to go into regarding certain shows that you may or may not being seeing...i.e. ping pong). I'll be reading your blog every time you post and keeping your sister sane and grounded after she reads them (you know she's a nervous wreck...right!). Have a great time! Love ya, Eileen
3rd July 2008

I think it's awesome to travel and explore the world! , but please be careful! I love to travel, but I think, comfy hotel rooms with showers, so your'e a braver girl than I! We will live your adventures vicariously through this blog. But don't forget to send auntie corinne a telegram if you get kidnapped by a revolutionary army LOL!
3rd July 2008

I know! Poor Gram... she is so freightened. Luckily she'll have the Red Sox to keep her busy while I'm away. Thanks for checking the blog!
3rd July 2008

Karen, I expect a blog from the Vineyard or at least when you go to CU. You are my matter where we end up come September. Oh, and no making fun of my outfits while I'm away. Stacy and Clinton will be so ashamed of me!
5th July 2008

C´mon girl, give us an update. What´s happening? How many times have you packed and repacked? Do you have your net together yet? Have you got waterproof carry sacks for inside your pack? What ever you think you need, cut it in half. If you try walking a couple of miles with your pack it will get the message through. If you don´t believe me, try it! Remember; your pack is now your home. Are you excited? What about the job update? C´mon girl, feed me - I´m a thousand miles from nowhere - give me something! mike
7th July 2008

I hope you have the best time of your I have to agree with your sister Nicole - give me the all-inclusive islands anyday over nets, backpacks, pills and whatever else you needed to do. I know you will have an awesome time - take lots of pictures and make sure you keep us posted!! Remember - when the place is really bad - think of how I acted in Mykanos and please don't act that way. Enjoy the trip!!! We'll be thinking of you here in New Jersey....I know Nicole - you can curse that Judy, trips around the world and running marathons!!! What next????
7th July 2008

Good idea Jeana, I will blame this all on Judy. Glad you'll be reading along as I'm away. You never know, maybe you'll want to join next year's trip?
8th July 2008

hi Ms. Howell
hi Ms. Howell i am so happy that i found you on here i almost gave up but i didn't i hope you send me pictures from your journey also please reply to me .i thought you were bringing toilet paper too LOL please reply, Tyla Tognarelli P.S. don't forget about me L.O.L
9th July 2008

Hey You! I'm SO SO excited you joined my blog. How has your summer been so far? Do you already know what you are wearing for your first day of middle school? I imagine you making that a top priority. Tell Mom, Dad and Hunter I say hello. Talk with you soon!
7th August 2008

Kristin, What are you crazy?? Thinking I may want to go to Peru or Gualtema!! Don't you remember what it took for me to fly to Boston? If you wanted to go on a normal vacation maybe then I would think about it, Murph is doing OK. She goes back to the drs. on 8/18. Of course, she is totally bored. I go up once a week or so to sit with her. Went up yesterday and we watched reruns of "I Love Lucy". Laughed our you know whats off. Be safe and careful. God Bless! Love ya, Carol
12th August 2008

I think you and Murph could have fun just about any old place, even if you are only on three legs instead of four.
19th August 2008

Good luck
Good luck on your travels and have a safe trip. As people are fortunate enough to travel to different parts of the world and truly see that most people no matter where they are from are alike as you said.So why do we continue to have wars?????? I have traveled to enough parts of the world while i was in the service and enjoyed every place we visited. Have a safe trip home and get pleny of sleep! I am a friend of you sister Nicole.

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