The night before...

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June 6th 2008
Published: June 6th 2008
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Last night at home

Well here it goes. My first blog entry. I felt I should let you guys know how I'm feeling and whats going through my head the night before I head off to Philadelphia. I'm mostly excited but obviously nervous at the same time. It was hard saying good-bye (for now) to all of you, but thanks to the good old internet it'll be like I'm just a summer camp. Tomorrow I'm getting up at 4:30 am to go to the airport with Jenny and my mom. It's just like me to save the hardest good-byes to the end... I have to fix this procrastination problem. I'll try to give an update from philly, but if not, I'll talk to all of you next from Africa. Pray for me, I'm going to need it. I love all of you and can't wait to see you all again. From my last night in Monroe, WA... good-bye till my next post.



6th June 2008

Be Safe...
We love you very much and will miss having you around over the next few years. We are very proud of what you are doing. We can't wait to get updates of your journey and know we are thinking of you every minute of the day! I love you baby brother!

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