Ticket in hand

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May 23rd 2008
Published: May 23rd 2008
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Its official. I have my ticket in hand. I bought it at Dube Travel and they were about $200 cheaper than the cheapest internet site. More money for the orphanage. Its non refundable. Don't worry, I bought travelers insurance. You never know. I fly out of Boston on Thursday June 19 at 12:45pm. I am still waiting for my visa from the Ugandan Embassy. It should be here anyday now. My ankle is doing better, getting stronger everyday. I am just giddy with excitement to be there in Africa with the children. I am forever grateful to God on how He has worked all thing together for this trip(His good.). Rachel thank you for the contact info and letting me know about the uv light for the water bottles. Thats all for now, I will keep you all updated. Kim
Here is the link to the orphanage.... http://www.mollyandpaul.org/index.htm


23rd May 2008

Here is the website for the orphanage I am going to.
23rd May 2008

Here is the website for the orphanage I am going to.

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