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November 18th 2005
Published: November 18th 2005
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Damit I knew I should have used the camera today to take photos of everyone at my Farewell.. Ill have to get one next week

My Adventure takes shape!

Its now a little over a week until I fly out....
Today my friends had a good bye party and I was really touched that they had made such an effort for me. 😊
Thanks guys u r the best and Im gonna miss u guys the most.
& I feel sad 4 leaving u

Tomorrow I get my airline ticket and final details. So I am realy nervous....

I also am now quite excited.

I have made contact with my host sister who lives in Aalborg* (*think thats how you spell it) and she is realy nice.

My website is also starting to take shape.


18th November 2005

hey mindy we r guna miss u more than u realise!! but we all hope u have an absolutly FABULOUS time in Denmark with out us *tear* ..ive started saying fabulous instead of grouse just 4 u!! duno y yet tho :S.. ne wayz i read ur blog nd we r going 2 miss u heaps nd i hope u have heaps of fun wif ur host sister .. you might be lucky enough to see the christening ay! how cool would that be any way tis early in the morning nd i should reali be in bed that is y im babbeling on a bit here so i shall say farewell now tata mindy have a fabulous trip cant wait tile u get bac * even tho u havent gone yet * catch ya peace out luv cc mwaz -xox-
12th December 2005

hey mindy
hey mindy i miss you already we were all crying even canly was at the last assembily of year 10, the song friends forever was played lol well merry christmas and if i dont speak to you by then happy new year c ya love denise
16th December 2005

Happy Holidays!!
hey mindy sorry it took so long to get onto ur blog. . . and im apologising in advance for my spelling mistakes. so, your in denmark, go u!! by the way o nthe last day of school everyone was saying goodbye to the people that were leaving, and they were playing music and i cried, yes mindy, I CRIED! i was feeling teary and the music as like: " you've got a friend in me..." and i bawled my eyes out. anywayz im putting a link on my site... once the compuituer decides to work. merry Xmas in advnce, luv JESS! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
26th December 2005

Boxing Day at the Canly's
Well Mindy what ca i say - i have an almost indecnt amount of presents; my makeup collection is now one to rival a drag queen's - and i ate my way through three times my body weight of food at my aunties (she cooked what looked like an entire pig) then returned home to my dads where they had enough leftovers from they're christmas eve party for my step-mums family to feed the 22 people ho came all over again.Excuse me while i pump my stomach.ok im back. hope you're having the time of you're life Mindy, we seem to be channelling you- its been freezing in Melb- well enjoy Denmark and London, when you get there ~ hugz and kizzez luvz Jess xoxoxox

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