To Norway and Beyond

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May 18th 2008
Published: May 18th 2008
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Ferry Ferry Ferry

This was on one of the ferries we took from Stavanger to Bergen
I have arrived in Bergen, Norway! At 11pm last night the sky outside my window still looked like dusk and it didn't become black until well after midnight. The sun rose shortly after. Looks like I will be becoming friently with the eye covers I was given on my Delta flight.

The trip has been eventful so far. I was bumped off my flight out of Phoenix Thursday night, given a Delta travel voucher, was able to sleep in my own bed, and had a 3 hour layover in Atlanta, instead of the original 12 hour one. I then flew from Atlanta to Amsterdam. Upon arriving in Amsterdam I was told that my flight to Bergen had been cancelled due to a strike at the Bergen airport. Instead, I would fly to Stavenger a town about four to five hours south of Bergen and would then travel by bus along the coast and on a few ferries to Bergen. This detour proved to be in my favor. Although my trip took longer, I was able travel through a beautiful part of this country. I travelled through fields of sheep, mountains covered with trees, and along the ocean. The ferry ride

These were the fireworks I could see from my window!
was a bit chilly, but beautiful. We even travel through a few tunnels that bested my breathe holding abilities, as they were 3-5minutes long as we travelled under the Fjords.

I arrived to Bergen at around 6pm last night, which was the 17th of May, their Constitution Day. I had missed most of the festivities, but many people were still dressed in traditional clothing. I moved into my dorm room. It looks out over the water and two of the seven surrounding peaks. Mr. Profesor, Arve Asbjornsen, and his wife had me over for dinner last night. I managed to eat salmon and actually enjoyed it. For those of you that don't know, I am not a big fish fan, but I have vowed to try everything.

Last night there were fireworks over the water that I was able to watch out my window. It was strange to see a firework show without the sky being completly black. It was 11:30, guess they had to get the show on the road before it was no longer Constitution Day.

This morning I met Kristine my next door neighbor who I share a kitchen with. She was nice enough to let me borrow her computer in order to get internet. I will have to admit, the keybord is a little confusing with extra symbols, but I am managing. I'm off to see the town a bit more and will start in the lab tomorrow.

More entries soon to come and hopefully pictures as soon as I figure out how to download them.

Skål, Allison


18th May 2008

Sounds fabulous Allison. Next you'll get to try pickled herring for breakfast! Enjoy. Uncle Lloyd
19th May 2008

I LOVE YOU and am so excited for you!!! Have Fun and Ia m excited to hear more!!! Love, Kaila Jo
19th May 2008

What a great trip !
You go girl ... sounds like all the unexpected changes worked out for the best. Looking forward to hearing about more of your adventure. xxoo Auntie Poo
21st May 2008

This is wonderful. I was in Oslo in 1993 a little before the winter Olympics. If you have the chance to take the train from Bergen to Oslo, jump on it, I heard it is beautiful.
22nd May 2008

I'm proud of you for eating the salmon, but save room for the reindeer meat and the cloudberries...Savor every minute. Love, Grandma and Grandpa

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