Salta stopoff

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April 14th 2008
Published: April 21st 2008
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 Video Playlist:

1: Holdens swing 28 secs
2: James Bungee 31 secs
Day 1 Heres the thing, half way through our bus journey which was supposed to take us upto a place called La quiaca in the North of Argentina, we had a change of heart, we met some english blokes called Chris (who is now called Mike because i kept forgetting his name) and simon, apparently they were heading over to Salta where you could get a train directly to the desert town of San Pedro which sounded quite cool, so we hopped off at a city called Tucuman and changed our bus to salta, we arrived at salta at 2am and hopped in a taxi to our hostel to get a good nights sleep.

Day 2 Uh Oh, apparently you cant travel everyday to san pedro from salta, so we were all stuck in san pedro for a little while with not much to do, however holden and I, always the industrious types decided to make good of a bad situation and spent our time playing pool, chess and wondering around looking for meat, we opted for another massive BBQ at the hostel which had the toughest chewiest meat i have ever eaten and then got a bit drunk again, it was during this period of inhebriation that we thought "wouldnt it be great if we went bungee jumping, rapelling, zip lining and swinging all in one day! oh look theres a tour operator that offers just that! what a coincidence!" so 5 minutes and 400 pesos later we had booked ourselves all of those things with a tour operator called... wait for it... "adrenalina in el dique"... yup take that how you will.

Day 3 Woke up at the crack of noon and busied ourselves ordering bus tickets and getting some lunch (we were in a hurry so that consisted of a stick of bread, 2 apples and a packet of crisps) we then got our ride out to the lake where the jovality was to begin, i spent my time attempting to chat in spanish with the minibus driver called adrian and as far as i can tell holden spent his time being harassed by isralis in the back seat. When we arrived we were a bit dissapointed to see that because of recent rainfall the water in the lake was only 30Ms below the bridge, however the effect was still roughly the same and we swang and dropped and span around for a bit leaving us with a few strap marks, bulging eyes, a strange feeling in the stomach and a certificate de valor! The other 3 activities were resonable if not a bit tame but the bungee jumping was really good, it feels so strange to just let yourself drop into a void even if it is only a 30m drop, the instructor told me not to jump if i wanted to get my head wet, so i didnt and at the moment i hit the water it felt like all my organs were rushing to my eyes and a big load of water was eager to push them back in the other direction, it was great! however since holden was a bit heavier than me he told him that if he dropped like me he would be submerged upto his ankles, which apparently isnt pleasant so he told him to jump as much as he could, which he did, and he got submerged upto his waist, whch was quite frankly hilarious.

We then headed back to the hostel feeling a bit strange but (according to our certificates) full of valour! We then decided that for our last day in argentina we would order a famous argentinian steak! we found a restaurant nearby called Jacks and ordered what we thought was steak and chips, Holden got a load of ribs which were a bit chewy but apparently quite nice and i got the biggest piece of meat i have ever seen! it was steak, but not from any cow that ive ever seen, it was more akin to somthing fred flinstone would get after ordering a brontosaurus burger! i eventually managed to plow my way through it and was rewarded with with a greater sense of achievement than any certificate de valor could ever provide. wobbled home for more booze and pool then went to bed early (bus to san pedro departed at 7am!!!)

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


And afterAnd after
And after

You cant see it very well but my eyes were bulging quite a bit

22nd April 2008

hey! that looks awesome! i like the way (james) your head get submerged in the water lol, though the feeling you describe doesnt sound too good! hope your having a good time and not losing too many phones lol
22nd April 2008

And STILL's died.
22nd April 2008

scarey stuff
Glad I didn't know about the jump before you did it! It looked great fun but not for the feint hearted (ME)You really are having a great trip, you wont want to come home. House very quiet with only dad, bry and me oh and rowan. He's fine and sends his best still waiting for his post card as he cant get to the computer. Keep the blogs comimg they keep me happy!!! lol mummy xx
23rd April 2008

Hi Guys, Continuing to have great time, well done, thanks agin for the blogg, we enjoy them very much. Watch the dangerous stuff though, health and safety won't be as stringent there. James your rooms been very tidy recently, I new I'd get through to you eventually, it's much better isn't it? Well done, gold star, and now your no longer Jamsey no stars. Good luck in Brazil (I think). Love Daddy.
23rd April 2008

heeeyy!!! How are you doing?? Those videos look wicked, dunno about yours though james, did u get a lovely mouth full of water? :D hope ur havin a gd time, speak sooon!!! xxxx
28th April 2008

Splash on ...
Some hostels have showers you know guys!!! You didn't have to go to such lengths to wash. Glad you did though. I will make your eventual return that much less unpleasant..... (if you ever do come back!)

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