So long NZ!

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April 16th 2008
Published: April 18th 2008
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This morning I had fresh juicy pineapple, watermelon and papaya accompanied by black tea for breakfast. Everywhere I go I am hot and sticky. I am in Thailand (again), and so so so excited to be here. Wait, hold the phone, what? Why? What happened to working in NZ? Ok let's rewind...

I set off to New Zealand with a one-way ticket, in search of a temporary new and refreshing lifestyle. Something different from back home. Something maybe more challenging, less cushy. I did not find that. Granted that is partially my fault, as I could have gone off on solo multi-day treks having to live completely back to basics. There's definitely many things I could have done differently, but I guess when you're on the beaten path, it's sometimes hard to stray from it. What I'm saying is, I love the country, I had an amazing time, but all and all I concluded that I would get more out of traveling further afield than I would staying put in New Zealand. Culturally, it is not vastly different from the States. However there definitely are many things about NZ and about my life there thus far that are new and different. Including, but not limited to:

* Learning how to fall asleep gracefully (i.e. sans drool or head-bob) on a bus, as apparently I have bus-narcolepsy.

* Moments of awe that can only be put into words as "is this earth?"

* Ketchup...for some reason they put cloves, sugar and all kinds of weird spices in it over there, no good.

* Coming to terms with the phrase "sweet as." Sweet ass? No "sweet as." Sweet as what? Let it be...

* The cost of books. It is absurd. Often the price in USD is blatantly printed on the barcode, for example $12, and they'll slap a $29.99NZ sticker right over it. (About 25USD)

* Iced coffee. I had to learn the NZ definition of 'Iced Coffee' the hard way, when I received a frappuccino-looking monstrosity, fully topped with whipped cream, chocolate flakes, the works. They don't even have filter coffee here! But they do have a cross between a cappuccino and a latte called a Flat White.

* Jandals = sandals, chooks = chickens, "is that the lot?" = "is that all?", togs = bathing suit, capsicum = bell pepper, sultanas = raisins? (still not sure), man there's so much more I'm forgetting!

* Coping with snorers. I've lost my ear-plugs, and sharing a room with several people, often mixed-gendered, you never know what you're going to get. In certain circumstances the best defense is to prepare an artillery of small hard objects to launch at the snoring target, so as to startle them just enough that they change breathing patterns.

* I have turned into a thief. Ok not reaaaaally, but still when you're preparing meals for yourself on the go, you don't always have all the necessities! I've mostly resorted to stealing sugar packets from cafes for my tea (which I drink tons of now). I also once stole a butter knife.

* Did you know, starfish can sense an imbalance in the male-to-female ratio, and when their chance of mating is slim, they tear themselves in two!?!?! Each half starfish can repair themselves into wholes, so there are then two whole starfish!

* I got my lip pierced (just sliding that one in there, hopefully the parents will glaze over it...or disown me...we'll see). Don't worry I'll take it out as soon as I get home. It's now or never right? Plus it's just a cute little stud.

* Relationships turbo-style. Backpackers build (and break) relationships in a 10x fast-forwarded speed. You see people you think have been best friends for ages or have been dating for years, when really they just met 2 days ago. It also forces you to become a bit desensitized, since eventually everyone goes their separate ways.

* My Nalgene bottle has been my most beloved possession. I can't believe I've made it this far without losing it! (I have lost about 10% of the things I came with. So typical.)

* Sucking it up. When you don't have a shoulder to cry on, you don't cry. Well ok it's not always that simple, but I've found that traveling on my own, even when I'm with friends I've met along the way, there's not much room or point in complaining or being upset about much.

* Still can't get away from the latest Britney goss. Seriously, leave me alone Brit.

Ok so that's the lot. Since I last updated I left Nelson, missing my original ferry to Wellington, which is what I get for relying on irresponsible boys as a ride. I got there eventually though. I mainly went to Welly to get all the chores done and sort out everything before my departure. I came down with a bad cold, but in perfect timing, my friend who now lives there picked me up, made me dinner, and let me just hang out on her couch and watch movies. A luxury not found in hostels. It was perfect. I went to a Bikram (aka really hot) yoga class and almost passed out. I went to the medical clinic to do some last minute immunizations, which turned into way bigger of a hassle than I anticipated. I though I only had to get a Typhoid injection, but then it turned out I had to have a blood test, and then go to another clinic down in Christchurch once I had the results to get a Hep A booster. Trudging around in the rain, getting poked in the arm by needles, without my mommy. Not my idea of a good time.

I sent home an enormous box with about 70% of my possessions, plus some souvenirs so now I am finally a true backpacker. It's liberating. I have very few clothes, and have been wearing baggy mismatching outfits for the past couple days. I spent my last day and a half in Christchurch, hanging out with a couple friends who fortunately were there at the same time and running more last minute errands. Including a rather spontaneous trip to the piercing parlor.

So now I'm in Bangkok, I arrived last night, and I'm on my way to meet my friend Abby on the island of Ko Phangan. I met her earlier on the Kiwi bus, and she was planning on doing Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos on her own, so she convinced me to join. She's English, but moved to Australia and is working there as a nurse. I think she'll be a good travel companion. We have until June 1 together, then who knows!

Sorry I don't have any pics this time, not too much excitement since last time. I promise I'll be taking tons from here on out...however I don't forsee spending too much time sitting in internet cafes. Ok I'm off to hit the infamous Kaoh San road for some cheap shopping!


23rd April 2008

a lip ring!
a lip ring! oh boy, gonna need pictures of that one!

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